
  • Creator
  • #55740
    mike brown

      I have a message coming in HL7 with xxx-ABCD-xdcs, I want the first 2 characters after the HYPHEN always, so I use this below.

      in tcl : set xlateInVals xxx-ABCD-xdcs and I run

      set xlateOutVals

        4 5]]


        AB — this is correct

        but what if it comes in like this…

        set xlateInVals xxxx-ABCD-xdcs ,

        -A not correct .. then the above does not work.

        I want the first 2 characters after the first HYPHEN no matter how long the characters are in front of the HYPHEN.

        any ideas…?

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      • Author
        • #86358
          Jim Kosloskey


            If you are on 6.0 or later you can utilize 2 STRING Actions.

            The first STRING Action would use the split function specifying ‘-‘ as the split character and 2 outbound fields (temp variables for ex @tmp1 and @tmp2).

            The second STRING Action would use the substr function against the @tmp2 created above specifying 0 and 1.

            Or I am sure there is some sort of regsub expression you can use if you just want to use Tcl. But I am not the person to advise on regsub.

            Edited to add comments regarding Tcl split and range…

            You could apply the Tcl split command to split the string into a list. The second element of that list is then the field you want to apply your range to.

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #86359
            Levy Lazarre

              Hi Mike,

              If you don’t want to use a regular expression, an easy way is to split the string on HYPHEN, take the second component of the resulting list, then take the first two characters of the result:


              string range [lindex [split $xlateInVals -] 1] 0 1

              With a regular expression:


              set exp “.*?-(..)”

              regexp — $exp $xlateInVals {} $first2chars

              $first2chars is the value you are looking for

              I hope this helps

            • #86360
              mike brown

                thank you I got it to work…. the replies helped me get it to work, I should say. lol

              • #86361
                Robert Kersemakers

                  😈 Always treat xlateInVals and xlateOutVals as a list:


                  set xlateOutVals [list [string range [lindex [split [lindex $xlateInVals 0] -] 1] 0 1]]

                  Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

                • #86362
                  mike brown

                    thank you all it works beautifully, exactly what I was looking for.

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