QDX 5.7 Install / Upgrade

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf QDX 5.7 Install / Upgrade

  • Creator
  • #50984
    mike brown

      We are going to start the upgrade process to qdx 5.7. If you already upgraded to qdx 5.7 or curently in the process of upgrading,

      can you please share any tips or tricks or gotchas?

      we are currently running qdx 5.4.1 on a AIX 5.3 Technology 8

      all input appreciated



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    • Author
      • #68292
        Ron Archambault


          We’re in the process of upgrading to v5.7 on HP-UX. So far no issues. 🙂

          Since we’re coming from 3.8.1P, it’s a major upgrade. The shared site feature is really nice too.

        • #68293
          Brent Fenderson

            We upgraded to 5.7 on windows servers. We had an issue with the outbound save recovery tcl scripts which created a state 16 message that wouldn’t allow the process to start. I’d recommend removing them and just setting the resend ob message flag on the thread.

            We had an issue setting up email alerts to multiple email address but this was resolved once we put double quotes around the email addresses.

            hcilmclear which was a windows issue works great on windows now. Just need to be sure to run it through remote command.

            Any duplicate tcl procs in the tcl procs directory will need to be cleaned up. Nice of mktclindex to let you know of conflicts.

            Smat is much improved and will allow you to open files without stopping the thread or cycling.

          • #68294
            Sergey Sevastyanov

              We are working on upgrade from 5.4 (Win 2000) to 5.7 (on Win 2003). So far no issues.

              Love new features

              Good luck!

            • #68295
              Ron Archambault


                We run into 1 issue when trying to load a large SMAT file after the upgrad, but this may be in other versions too.

                JAVA heapsize error.

                I modified the client.ini to match what was in the server.ini


                Seems to be working just fine now. The default in the client.ini was


              • #68296
                Austin Adams

                  We’ll be upgrading from 5.6 to 5.7 on our test box in the near future.  We are running RHEL 5.0  I’ll post any issues or gotchas that I run across.

                • #68297
                  Mike Meade

                    We are running on AIX 5.3 T8.  We upgraded from 5.5 to 5.7 in production this past weekend.  It went very well.

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