Put $mh back into recovery database

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  • #54595
    David Speare

      I have a tcl proc that evaluates whether an incoming message should continue on or not.  If the procedure determines that a certain action is taken, I would like to add that message back into the recovery database for it to be processed again.  Here is the bottom logic where I am trying to reprocess it.  I thought the PROTO command would send it back around, but that isn’t doing it for me.

      # if an EPIC order file was created, go ahead and kill this message

      # b/c it was placed in the recovery db for reprocessing

      if {$IsCreated == “created”} {

      echo Original incoming message will be sent back in

      lappend dispList “PROTO $mh”

      } else {

      lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”


      echo $dispList


      Bottom line is that if the $IsCreated == “created” i want this message sent back in to the Inbound-pre TPS.

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      • #82137

        What do you mean by “back into the database”? Or you wanting to change the state of the message like move it back to state 1?

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #82138
        Charlie Bursell

          In what context is the Tcl proc.  If an OB Tcl proc simply CONTINUE if you want to send or OVER it to go back to IB

        • #82139
          David Speare

            Sorry for my delayed response, I think the answer would be that I want to move it back to state 1 and have it process from the beginning.  It would hit a different “if” condition the second time around.

          • #82140

            Disposition Description

            CONTINUE: send on to the next state

            KILL abort processing of the message and destroy it

            KILLREPLY abort processing of the message and destroy it; terminates await-reply mode; clear the await-reply flag, useful only in IB Reply TPS

            OVER abort processing of the message, for IB DATA TPS the message is placed in state 10 (pre-outbound in case you have a proc), for OB Data TPS the message is placed in state 1, causes an engine panic if used in the translation thread

            PROTO abort processing of the message, place message in state 11, places the message on top of the queue (increase priority), causes an engine panic if used in the translation thread (ex. resend in check_ack)

            SEND abort processing of the message, place the message into outbound pre-tps queue of the thread specified in the DESTCONN metadata field, set the SKIPXLT flag

            ERROR abort processing of the message, the message is placed into the error database, forces an error (tcl erorr), tip: add reason in the metadata

            # Purpose: [code]# Purpose:

            -- Max Drown (Infor)

          • #82141
            David Speare

              This isn’t quite working out like i had hoped.  I can’t really place this on the outbound stack b/c my messages come into my thread as an MDM and my ib tps determines if the message continues as an MDM or if that MDM should be killed and an ORU put in it’s place.

              i’d rather not run it through up through the xlates if i don’t have to, but on the copy as you gave me above (good stuff though) my msgState is not known.  I have no idea where the $copymh is going.  I don’t see it in recovery db or error

              msg: 0x03D2B8F8

                 msgType           : DATA

                 msgClass          : PROTOCOL

                 msgState          : Unknown: 0 (0)

                 msgPriority       : 5120

                 msgRecoveryDbState: Log:new (2)

                 msgFlags          : 0x8002

                 msgMid            : [0.0.91497998]

                 msgSrcMid         : midNULL

                 msgSrcMidGroup    : midNULL

                 msgHostId         : 3148155885

                 msgOrigSrcThread  : fr_Onbase_dms

                 msgOrigDestThread :

                 msgSrcThread      : fr_Onbase_dms

                 msgDestThread     :

                 msgXlateThread    :

                 msgSkipXlate      : 0

                 msgSepChars       :

                 msgNumRetries     : 0

                 msgGroupId        : 0

                 msgDriverControl  : {CONNID 0} {IPVERSION 4} {CLIENTIP} {CLIENTPORT 65482}

                 msgRecordFormat   :

                 msgRoutes         :

                 msgUserData       :

                 msgStaticIsDirty  : 1

                 msgVariableIsDirty: 1

                 msgTimeStartIb    : 1426026311.981

                 msgTimeStartOb    : 1426026287.651

                 msgTimeCurQueStart: 0.000

                 msgTimeTotalQue   : 0.000

                 msgTimeRecovery   : 1426026312.606

                 msgEoConfig       : 0x00000000

                 msgData (BO)      : 0x03D2B9E0

                 message           : ‘MSH

            • #82142
              David Speare

                FTR – i’ve omitted the actual message, it’s there on my msgdump

              • #82143

                Where is your tclproc? Which field?

                -- Max Drown (Infor)

              • #82144
                David Speare

                  TPS IB

                  it happens right after my ack

                • #82145

                  Ok. Little confused as to what you are trying to do. Can you explain high-level for me, please?

                  -- Max Drown (Infor)

                • #82146
                  Jim Kosloskey

                    Hmmm won’t putting the message back into State 1 on the Inbound trigger your Ack again? If so, I don’t suppose your sending system expects to get multiple Acks for one message.

                    So I think you might need to make your Ack proc aware of that.

                    Do you want to process through your proc again?

                    A couple of thoughts – set somethiing in the message metadata to indicate your new message is to be received again, then OVER the message. This will place it on the Outbounnd side of the inbound thread. Then on the Outbound Tps use annother proc to OVER the message again – now the message is back on the inbound side of the inbound thread.

                    In your ack proc check the metadata to see if this is a message to be acked or not. Also modify your original proc to properly react to this message versus an original.

                    Or —

                    Set your thread to be mulltiserver.

                    Change the field you route on to a value whcih allows you to route thse messages o an outbound thread which connects back into your inbound thread. Now the message arrives from a different host (your local outbound thread), the ack proc does not have to be changed but your inbound proc following the ack proc may need to be awwar of this message so as not to get in a nevver-ending loop.

                    This will also give you the messages stored in various SMATs so you can track it and a visual in the NetMonitor and NetConfig.

                    Both of the above are thoughts off the top of my head so they could be absolutely worthless.

                    email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

                  • #82147
                    David Speare

                      Both thoughts are valid and I’ll test the first idea out.

                      For the moment, I’m dropping the incoming message – if it is to be reprocessed – to a file and have an identical filesetlocal thread picking it up and processing it.  this is taking a little longer than i’d like, but it’s doing the trick.

                    • #82148
                      Dirk Engels

                        I think there is currently no way of requeueing an ib message. You may could work with a little trick.

                        In an ib tps check you status and over the message if it doesn’t meet your test criteria.

                        In an ob tps just over the message again, so it goes back to the inbound.

                        This of course is working very fast. Please be aware, that if you put a sleep command in the proc you’re blocking the whole process for that amount of time, so you may should configure the thread in a separate process if you like to do that.

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