PROTOCOL:file- Inbnd File Filter/Outbnd File Name Counter

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Secure Courier Cloverleaf Secure Courier PROTOCOL:file- Inbnd File Filter/Outbnd File Name Counter

  • Creator
  • #53702
    santiago guzman


      I’m setting up an interface that receives an FRL file and converts it to VRL. I’m having trouble with the interface picking up the file and also the way it places the file after the translation.

      Inbound Thread:

      The folder where the file is being place has other files there, and I what I want is for the interface to pick up file that has the following filter: APIHR*.001. Where in the NetConfig can I apply this setting?

      Outbound Thread:

      When the file is received and translated I want each translation to be saved in it’s own individual file with a different name.






      Each having only one message.

      Where can I set this setting in the NetConfig?

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    • Author
      • #78623
        Jim Kosloskey


          You will need a Tcl proc to go in the DirParse TPS which will reduce the list of files found by Cloverleaf to the files you want.

          I have Tcl procedures that do that – they are argument driven and you should be able to use as is. If you want it email me and I will send the proc and user doc.

          For the outbound another Tcl proc can be used. Again I have one you can have – just email me.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #78624
          santiago guzman

            I have another question. I’m getting the file from a different server. I have given the server where Cloverleaf is installed the rights to access the other server to retrieve that file. I typed in the correct root path but when I turn on the interface I get an error. Which Protocol should I be using, PROTOCOL: file, fileset-ftp, or fileset-local?

          • #78625
            Jim Kosloskey

              If the file system on that server is not seen as local to Cloverleaf (meaning you can change to a directory in that File system from the command line on the Clovelreaf server) then you will probably need to do Fileset/FTP. of course the target system has to have an FTP server running.

              If it is local the Fileset/Local.

              I would not use file.

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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