Product enhancement – XLATE INCLUDE

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Product enhancement – XLATE INCLUDE

  • Creator
  • #121290
    Jim Kosloskey

      Cloverleaf 2209.

      I think it would be useful for the Xlate INCLUDE to allow non-specification of the Host and Sub Xlate Group prefixes for IB and/or OB on the INCLUDE.

      email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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    • Author
      • #121291
        Dirk Engels

          Hi Jim,


          I think that is possible. You only have to specify them if your message formats are different, so paths to fields are different. I have xlates, where I use include with the same ib and ob message formats and I don’t use prefixes.

        • #121293
          Jim Kosloskey



            The situation I have is this: I have an Xlate routine that constructs an unformatted today’s date/time in the structure CCYYMMDDHHMMSS using only temp variables and a Lookup Table. No Tcl and no IB or OB references made. I need a IB and OB for that Xlate and it is a simple FRL since I am never going to actually reference the IB or OB.

            I would like this to be a common routine INCLUDEd in a number of host Xlates which could have any message structure. When I try to INCLUDE it from a host using HL/7 I get flack from the Configurator no matter what I put in the Host and Sub Prefixes (including nothing). The flack being the formats do not match. Of course, they don’t.

            I could use the File/Insert but that permanently places the code in the Xlate rather than an indirect reference. Thus if the routine ever changes, I would need to go back to each invoking Xlate; delete the previously inserted code; then re-insert. I would like to be able to avoid that.

            I also know I could do this with an invoked Tcl proc but the situation is one where there is not a viable Tcl resource available for maintenance, etc. So, I am trying to stay away from Tcl.

            I think I have exhausted every possible permutation in trying to invoke this reusable Xlate and none work (unless the host has the same FRL in and out). Thus the request for an enhancement.

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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