I think it would be useful to have the TABLE Action of the Xlate have a dynamic capability.
That is, currently one has to specify the name of the Table in the TABLE Action. It would be useful to have the ability to name the table dynamically at execution time in addition to or instead of, the static name. I am sure it can be done as I am about finished with a Tcl proc that does exactly that.
I had a proc that did that with traditional tables and now I am adding the ability for use with DB Lookups as well. This feature allows for the design of a hierarchy of ‘driver’ tables wherein, for example, a client table would return a list of other table names that would be used for things a specific hospital or client had different than others (each of those tables might then also name other tables, and so on. Then in a multiple hospital or client environment common Xlates could be configured which are driven by dynamically following the hierarchy of Tables.
If anyone is interested in this proc when I am finished in lieu of an enhancement to the product, email me and I will provide the tool and all of the support stuff for it.
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.