proc not available

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf proc not available

  • Creator
  • #121792
    David Barr

      I’m on Cloverleaf 2022.09.03, and I’m having a problem. I’ve got a thread on a site called test_ord_res. It has a proc on its outbound TPS called onbase_raw_to_mdm. This proc is in the master site, and it’s been working fine on other threads. I made a copy of the proc in my master site and renamed (both the file and proc name) to gallery_raw_to_mdm. I’ve run mktclindex on the folder. I’ve also opened the script with the IDE code editor and saved the file that way. When I try to change my thread to use the new proc I get a thread verification error, and I can’t make my change. The error says “Proc(s) gallery_raw_to_mdm not available”. I’ve also tried moving the proc from the master site to the test_ord_res site, and I still get that error. I’ve tried restarting the host server. I can see my proc in both the tclIndex and .upocindex files. I can call my proc from a tcl prompt, so it is available to the interpreter.

      I’ll probably open a ticket with support, but I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this. I’ve done this type of thing in the past, so I wonder if it’s the new version or I’m forgetting something obvious.

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    • Author
      • #121793
        Brenda Carpenter

          This sounds familiar.  I have found when adding a brand new TCL to the Netconfig, that I need to exit out of Netconfig and sometimes have logged out of the IDE and then once I enter back in, it allows the TCL to be added in the NetConfig.  Very annoying and I think it should be reported as an issue, since the tcl is recognized after using it in the testing tool and performing mktclindex, but for some reason it won’t allow to add to Netconfig until you exit and come back in.

          Let me know if that works. Brenda

        • #121794
          Debbie Davis

            Hi David – i had the same issue with this version. I saved my NetConfig, closed it and the IDE, reopened it, and could call the proc.  Not sure if this will help you – but worth a shot.  Definitely annoying.

          • #121795
            David Barr

              I had tried opening and closing the NetConfig within the IDE which didn’t help, but totally restarting the IDE seemed to fix it. Thanks.

            • #121796
              Jeff Dawson

                Hi David,

                We are on CIS 2022.09.03 and I had opened a ticket with Infor regarding this as well


                Update from Infor unfortuantely no date of resolution for this so depending on where the tcl proc is created you would need to do the following:


                1. Tcl proc created from script editor, after saving proc NetConfig would have be closed and reopened.
                2. Tcl proc created from Text editor, after saving proc and running mktclindex entire IDE (CIS GUI) would have be closed and reopened for new tcl proc to be available.


                “CISCL-10409 created for tracking fix for this to be added in a future patch. I have heard back from development. This had been reported to development already and what we call a product Jira to track correcting and will be in a future patch. To see if this specific problem is in a specific patch search for CISCL-10409. I do not have a date for when it will be patched at this time.”

                • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 1 day ago by Jeff Dawson.
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