Proc error

  • Creator
  • #48202
    Mark Perschbacher

      I am attempting to write an xlate pre-proc to examine the IN1.(0).00429(0), copy to a variable, and then run string match to a value GROUP HEALTH, and send it out the xlate.

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    • Author
      • #57996
        James Cobane


          I believe the syntax of your “if” statement is incorrect with placement of the { and ] characters.  I believe you want:

          if { [string match {GROUP HEALTH} $insname]} {

             set outval 2000


          Hope this helps.

          Jim Cobane

          Henry Ford Health

        • #57997
          Jim Kosloskey


            Couldn’t you just check the the field’s value to see if it is equal to “GROUP HEALTH” in the Xlate using an IF action instead of using Tcl?

            Jim Kosloskey

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #57998
            Mark Perschbacher

              Jim, well, let’s talk about that.  I am following the recomendation of our installer on this.  The object being that if a string in the IN1 matches GROUP HEALTH, the xlate will send the numeric code 2000 out.  I plan on adding other IF statements for REGENCE, COMMUNITY HEALTH, etc.  My alternative is to build a huge table with all these literal entries.  Sending the data to a temp. variable seemed like the way to go, but I am open to suggestions.

            • #57999
              Vince Angulo

                We went through the same thing here at Children’s, and it’s only worked out for us because we changed practice management vendors.  

                When we were sending coverages one-way to IDX through our old engine (Cerner OpenEngine Classic), we had to do it via translation proc that was basically a huge switch statement to translate the hospital payor/plans to practice payor/plans.  Hopefully someone here gives you a more reasonable solution.

                Our new practice management vendor (Epic) maintains the translation values within the payor/plan master files and the external values are looked up as the transaction is filed.  So, in our case, it ends up being maintenance for our Applications Team and not the Integration Team.

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