I’m hoping someone will be able to help with this. I’ve been having problems when using the httpget procedure. Essentially its failing when i attempt an https connection. I can connect to a local test webserver using Xampp with the following code…
set res [httpget {{URL
{HEADERS {{Content-Type text/txt}}}
{HTTPS { {MODE Client} {CERT_FILE /hci/root/test_chris/chrisb/ssl/host.pem}
{PRIVATE_KEY /hci/root/test_chris/chrisb/ssl/keys/ca.key} {PASSWORD YXJzZW5hbA==}}}}]
However, if i change to another address(this time have to go through a proxy)…
set res [httpget {{URL
{HEADERS {{Content-Type text/txt}}}
{PROXY {{HOST} {PORT 8080} {CREDENTIALS {}} {USER {}} {PASS {}}}}
{HTTPS { {MODE Client} {CERT_FILE /hci/root/test_chris/chrisb/ssl/host.pem}
{PRIVATE_KEY /hci/root/test_chris/chrisb/ssl/keys/ca.key} {PASSWORD YXJzZW5hbA==}}}}]
It fails straight away with the following error…
[0:TEST] ===Failed writing to SSL Socket handle 0x0005
Data not received. Socket Will Be Closed…
[0:TEST] HTTP Client Error. Failed sending HTTP ‘Get’ request. Sent -1 bytes of 140.
Message was:
User-Agent: HCDC __cHTTPClient
Connection: close
I don’t think this even gets a chance to be sent to the proxy so don’t think this is whats causing the problem. So essentially its just a change of address and then it fails.
Does anybody know what the error means? I assuming people have managed to get https working with httpget.
Any help would be great.