Problem with Testing Tool – v5.2/RedHat2.1 –> v5.6/RedHa

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Problem with Testing Tool – v5.2/RedHat2.1 –> v5.6/RedHa

  • Creator
  • #50263
    Terry Kellum

      I am implementing v5.6 on RedHat 5.  I’ve run into a roadblock where the testing tool (Client 5.6 on WinXP) does not give me any output.

      When I run the testing line built by the GUI in a shell, I get the correct output, but in the GUI it gives me

      Command Issued: hcixlttest Blah Blah

      Command output:

      It seems that I remember reading about this problem in the past, but I can’t remember what the issue is…

      (I’ve enabled and tested Telnet on the server…)

      Can anyone refresh my failing memory!!!


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    • Author
      • #65383
        Jim Kosloskey


          When I get that here, it is the VPN. Usually later in the same day or the next time I log into the VPN it works. Anyway nothing having to do with the Cloverleaf(R) client or host in this situation.

          I suspect that bit of information is not useful to you as I am guessing in your case there is no VPN involved.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #65384
          Terry Kellum

            …Oh that it were that easy!!!   😉

            Nope… nothing in the way that I know of.  hciaccess on the console works correctly.  Didn’t build it with a firewall.  

            If I don’t get any ideas here, I’ll try support.  I usually don’t need any support with Cloverleaf, and that’s how I like it!!!!!

          • #65385
            Terry Kellum

              Thanks Jim for getting the juices flowing.

              I set an exception in windows firewall for C:/quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator/clgui/bin/hciaccess.exe

              Fixed the issue.



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