Does anyone know of a modification I can make to this script to keep this from happening?
I will also post a snippet of the log below the script.
Thanks for your help.
Gina Borden
# First shut down the process
set pid [open “| hcienginestop -p $process” r]
while {[gets $pid line] >= 0} {
puts $logfile $line
flush stdout
close $pid
while {[file exists $HciRootDir/$site/exec/processes/$process/pid] == 1} {
after 3000
puts $logfile n
flush stdout
after 3000
# Restart the process
set pid [open “| hcienginerun -p $process” r]
while {[gets $pid line] >= 0} {
puts $logfile $line
flush stdout
close $pid
while {[file exists $HciRootDir/$site/exec/processes/$process/pid] == 0} {
after 3000
puts $logfile n
flush stdout
after 3000
Log file:
er : Restarting ibex
Thu Jan 04 00:00:01 EST 2007
Trying hcicmd…
Process shutdown initiated
Now trying SIGINT…
Now trying SIGKILL…
Process ‘ibex’ is not running
Process ibex initiated
lab : Restarting lab
Thu Jan 04 00:00:01 EST 2007
Trying hcicmd…
Process shutdown initiated
Now trying SIGINT…
Process ‘lab’ is not running
Process lab initiated