The fileset local is reading the files and making the conversion, sending by mllp correctly and the files are being correctly deleted from the folder. However, looks like the messages are not being cleared from the buffer, because in my next iteration, even if I have no file to be readen, Cloverleaf still re-sends all messages that it has already send and they all are accumulated .
Here is the result of a select in my Cloverleaf database:
Command Issued: hcidbdump -r
Command status:0
Command output:
l T
a y F
s p w
Created Message Id s e d Prio State Length Source Dest
——– ————– – – – —- —– —— ————— —————
16:01:04 [0.0.881] P D N 5120 1 1492 Read_XML
16:00:33 [0.0.862] P D N 5120 1 1492 Read_XML
16:00:17 [0.0.854] P D N 5120 1 1492 Read_XML
Done. 3 messages selected
Thanks in advance