Preserving double quote pairs (Active Nulls)

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Preserving double quote pairs (Active Nulls)

  • Creator
  • #49047
    Greg Eriksen

      A coworker is having an issue with cloverleaf not copying an Active Null (pair of double quotes) from an input message field to the output message field.  We’ve searched the forum and found many posts about removing quotes, but none for keeping them.

      Cloverleaf apparently sees the quotes in the input field, defines them as a xlateInType of ‘null’, and the quote characters themselves aren’t available in the xlateInVals value.

      Is there any way to get around this behavior of cloverleaf so that the double quotes can be copied to output?  It seems ridiculous that we would have to code a proc for every single field where an active null could possibly occur, to test for the type of ‘null’ and then hard-code the double quote characters (backslash escaped?) to the xlateOutVals list.

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    • Author
      • #60549
        Keith McLeod

          Typically no special action is required.  What is your copy statement?  All my Active Nulls |””| pass without issue from source to destination.  I generally use pathcopy statements for the whole segment, then adjust whatever is neccessary for the desired segments.

        • #60550
          Greg Eriksen

            We must all be “control-freaks” here, because none of us is using bulk or path copies.  She is copying at the field level, and when we use a (pre) tcl fragment, the xlateInType is ‘null’ and the xlateInVals is empty, even though the input message has a pair of double-quotes in that field.

          • #60551
            Keith McLeod

              Have you done a copy without a pretcl proc?  It should still copy the Active Null.

            • #60552
              Jim Kosloskey


                Perhaps you have already taken this into account, but if your proc is checking the field value it could be getting misled (as you noted the value is null).

                If you have an ‘Active or HL/7’ null (“”), your proc needs to check the Type (as you have noted it is ‘null’) and act accordingly.

                If you need an example, email me directly and I will send you an xltp type proc which checks for ‘Active or HL/7) nulls.


                Jim Kosloskey

                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #60553
                Jim Kosloskey


                  By the way, I also rarely use BULKCOPY or PATHCOPY.

                  I am more inclined to accept PATHCOPY although it appears there are still some problems with it.

                  I do not find it terribly inconvenient to bypass their use.

                  I just thought you might like to know you are not alone.

                  Jim Kosloskey

                  email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #60554
                  Greg Eriksen


                    We started back from scratch again, just copying input field to output with no tcl proc, and lo and behold the quotes got copied.  Then we added a pre-tcl fragment that simply parsed the first xlateInVal into a variable and then created a list with that variable as the xlateOutVal, and the quotes were still copied, so just having a tcl fragment isn’t the problem.

                    Where we apparently are having problems is when we try to do anything else with that field.  For reasons I wont try to explain here, we want to append a component delimiter (^) after the active null, and as soon as we do that the quotes disappear from the output.  If we change the xlateOutTypes to ‘ch’ or ‘st’, we still don’t get the desired output.  The only way we could get ‘quote_quote_carat’ in output was to just hard-code backslash_quote_backslash_quote_backslash_carat as the xlateOutVal.  But that means we have test each field for an active null and only do the hard-coded value conditionally, otherwise copy the actual value.

                    But thanks for your reply because it helped us narrow down what was happening.  The other thing that was really throwing us off was that whenever we tried to echo out the value of xlateInVals, it was displayed as empty if the input was double-quotes, and we never found a way of quoting the variable containing the quotes to make them show up.

                  • #60555
                    Greg Eriksen


                      She is going back to work on the problem some more, but you are right that it probably hinges on understanding how to work with a field of type ‘null’.  I may email you for your proc, because believe it or not this is the third issue involving nulls (how to output an active null, how to test for active null, how to deal with acutal nulls – hex 00 – in input messages) that has come up this week, so anything to understand them better would be helpful at this point.  Much ado about nuthin’!

                      Thanks for the moral support on our not using bulk/pathcopy.  It’s just the way we always coded on our other engines.  We want to send receiving systems only the data they require and nothing more, and it just seems easier to selectively copy rather than have to clear things out of the output.  I have been afraid though that we would get a certain number of translations running and find out cloverleaf was bogged down because all those individual field copies were somehow horribly inefficient.  But I’m hoping that it just makes the xlate code more lengthy and complicated, without adding extra load to the engine.

                    • #60556
                      Keith McLeod

                        Line 1: Copy your field to a variable such as @null_flag with a preproc that tests for xlateInType of null.  Set @null_flag to 1 if true.  0 if false.

                        Line 2: Create an IF statement testing for @null_flag == 1.  If this is true copy =””^ to your output field.

                        I am sure there is more to this.  Hope this or Jim’s procs help.

                      • #60557
                        Osmand Christian

                          In case someone else also runs into this issue, here is how I handled it. See attached screenshot.


                        • #60558
                          John Mercogliano

                            Gregg what you appear to be doing is attempting to add an additional subfield delimitor with no data following it.  In a translate that is very hard to do without sending out an entire string with a subfield delimiter at the end as you are finding out.  The translation always drops the last empty subfield during normal processing but you can trick it if you use the ^ as part of a string.

                            Now you should be able to write a generic xlt proc to do this that takes the field you need to check and returns what you require using code similiar to this.

                            if { [string equal [lindex $xlateInTypes 0] null] } {

                              set xlateOutVals


                              I’m currently on 5.7, HP-UX.

                              Hope this helps

                            John Mercogliano
                            Sentara Healthcare
                            Hampton Roads, VA

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