Possible bug in CIS 5.8 with msgmapdata?

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Possible bug in CIS 5.8 with msgmapdata?

  • Creator
  • #51855
    Michael Lacriola

      Running AIX 5.3 TL8. We are attempting upgrading to 5.8 from 5.6 rev2 and things were going really well until I ran into an error message concerning msgmapdata. I built my own map from EBCDIC to ASCII and placed it into a tps proc that uses adddatamap and msgmapdata.

      The error I’m receiving while running it through the test tool is:

      [0:TEST] Tcl error:

      msgId = message0

      proc = ‘tps_ibmE2A’

      args = ”

      result = ‘Error msg sequence error (max?)’

      errorInfo: ‘

      Error msg sequence error (max?)

         while executing

      “msgmapdata $mh ebcdic_to_ascii”

         (“run” arm line 6)

         invoked from within

      “switch -exact — $mode {

             start {

                 # Perform special init functions

         # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args


         (procedure “tps_ibmE2A” line 6)

         invoked from within

      “tps_ibmE2A {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT sms_ib_data} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘

      Once again, works fine in 5.6, same setup in both test tools. Something I should know about?

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    • Author
      • #71992
        Jim Kosloskey


          Just a stab here but could unicode be involved?

          email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #71993
          Michael Lacriola

            I tried the tps test tool in 5.8 several different ways. 5.6 does not specify an encoding scheme. The test file that I’m using converts correctly in 5.6 test tool, just not 5.8. It’s just a straight, length encoded ebcdic file.

          • #71994
            Jim Kosloskey


              Have you tried it with one of the supplied character maps like ibm_e2a?

              email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #71995
              Michael Lacriola

                Sure did (ibm_e2a). No joy, same error in 5.8. Works in 5.6.

              • #71996
                Jim Kosloskey


                  Does it error in the engine as well as the testing tool?

                  email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #71997
                  Michael Lacriola

                    Sure does. Throws it right into the error database. You wouldn’t happen to know how to recompile a PDL would you. Can’t seem to find it in all that nice documentation.

                  • #71998
                    Jim Kosloskey



                      I do not have 5.8 so I have exhausted all of the suggestions I have other than suggesting you call support – unless someone else provides some insight here.

                      email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                    • #71999
                      Charlie Bursell

                        I just had that problem guys.  It has to do with the encoding options.

                        In the NetConfig change encoding to binary and it should be OK

                      • #72000
                        Michael Lacriola

                          You never cease to amaze me. Is there anything you have not come across in your travels?

                          I modified the netConfig for the thread to be binary, resent message and it worked. However…

                          The tps test tool does not have a binary encoding method. I’ll try a route test to see what that does. It fails there too.

                        • #72001
                          Charlie Bursell

                            There is a new command, hciencode to allow you to decode.  Run with no options to see help

                            If the data you are testing with was before the binary decode it will not work.

                            If you continue to have problems contact Support and I can help them

                          • #72002
                            Michael Lacriola

                              Thanks Charlie. I have enough information to move forward with my 5.8 upgrade. That’s been the only hurdle so far. My last post for this thread.

                            • #72003
                              Phil Costner

                                I am trying to execute the hciencode from inside our script that cycles smat.

                                This is the line of code that executes the hciencode:

                                catch {exec hciencode -i cp037 -o ascii $SMATMSGPATH $TMPMSGPATH} eOutput

                                I get the following error when trying execute hciencode from within that tcl script:

                                Error: Unable to open file “hcicis6.0integratorsph_inv_testexecprocesses2014154_Tue_Jun_03_spa7dok_i.msg_33751920_processing”

                                The hciencode command works without error from the command line.

                                Why would the error be thrown when executing the hciencode from within the script?

                                Any suggestions would be appreciated.

                              • #72004
                                Charlie Bursell


                                  Are you sure the file 2014154_Tue_Jun_03_spa7dok_i.msg_33751920_processing is under the processes directory?  Weird place to put it  😀

                                  With that said, try redirecting the exec to a file like:

                                  catch {exec hciencode -i cp037 -o ascii $SMATMSGPATH $TMPMSGPATH foo} eOutput

                                  And see if can get more info.  Also can we assume the error message comes from echoing the content of eOutput?  If not you need to do that.

                                  I don’t think I have the script.  If you continue to have problems, send me a copy

                                • #72005
                                  Phil Costner

                                    The error message was being captured in eOutput.   I  could not get a more descriptive error.  I am attaching the script.  The hciencode command can be found in prod convertEBCDIC2Ascii

                                  • #72006
                                    Charlie Bursell

                                      This looks like one of the car washes I did for Wild Bill a while back  😀

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