Platform recommendation?

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Operating Systems Platform recommendation?

  • Creator
  • #50795
    Dwight Heindel

      We are in the planning stages for a platform migration.  Currently we are running our HA production environment on a pair of Sun E2900’s.   We have around 600 processes spread across 30 different sites.  Our average daily transaction volume is > 1.25 million.  

      The two options for migration paths that we are looking at are Linux and AIX.  Any specific experiences regarding pros/cons of either platform as well as specific Cloverleaf/OS/hardware recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

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    • Author
      • #67551

        I absolutely love Redhat + Cloverleaf. The cost savings alone are amazing.

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #67552
        Jim Kosloskey

          We have never been dissapointed with AIX.

          We use SNA protocols so AIX is the fit for us – and we scream!!!!

          I think most supported Unix flavors (I include Linux in that group) are a better choice then Windows – that’s my opinion anyway.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #67553
          David Harrison

            I would agree with Jim in opting for a unix platform. Which flavour is really down to which operating system you, or whoever supports it are most comfortable with.

            I’m a one man band in that I look after Cloverleaf development and also look after server maintenance and housekeeping etc.

            I run Cloverleaf 5.6 on Solaris 10 and I’m comfortable with Solaris.



          • #67554
            Bill Bertera

              David, what server model are you running?

            • #67555
              David Harrison

                I’m running on Sun Fire V445 with 4 cpus and 16Gb memory. I have a similar configuration as backup.



              • #67556
                Chris Brossette

                  Dwight, if you strong with Solaris, you might want to see what versions of Cloverleaf are supported on Solaris with X86 hardware.  Cost savings with hardware with the familiarity of your OS.  Other than that, Linux on X86 hardware is your next best choice for financial savings.  We have Cloverleaf on AIX and a IBM p-Series server – it is a rock-solid platform.  Stay far away from Windows, what every you do.

                • #67557
                  Steve Pringle

                    What’s the best way to determine daily transaction volume?



                  • #67558
                    David Barr

                      Count the number of messages in your saved message files.

                      You can also compare the thread stats (hcimsiutil -dd) between two points in time.

                    • #67559
                      Chris Brossette

                        Nightly I zero the message count but before I do that I run the hcimsiutil command like below….



                        hcimsiutil -dd fr_3m_apr | grep Msgs | grep In >> /tmp/thread_stats

                        hcimsiutil -dd to_mps | grep Msgs | grep Out >> /tmp/thread_stats



                        Then I import the thread_stats file into excel and have it produce the totals.  There may be an easy way to create the command lines but I just have a batch file I built and run nightly.

                        Counting the msg file is a good idea if you keep a file for every thread and we do not on some because of how we use the thread.

                        Good Luck,


                      • #67560
                        David Barr

                          Yeah, our nightly scripts keep track of thread stats like yours do. We used to zero the stats out nightly as well, but that was causing alerts based on the “last read time” to trigger erroneously, so now we don’t zero out the stats on a regular basis.

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