Performance of using Branch vs a group of route details.

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Performance of using Branch vs a group of route details.

  • Creator
  • #55448
    Gary Holodnick

      Has anyone seen any performance issues with using the Branch feature. We have had several branch details running for over a year. The only thing the branch was doing was running two TPS and one Xlate. all three are small and simple. The same output branched to 7 threads, all with RAW details. We thought this would provide better performance to do the same work once for 7 destinations.

      We never had a performance issue until two weeks ago.

      We started seeing latencies of 4-8 seconds on all of the messages. We removed the branches and replaced them with individual route details (actually doing some of the same work more than once) and the latency issues have disappeared.

      Our issue seems to be gone but curious what others have seen with the Branches.

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    • Author
      • #85370
        Jim Kosloskey

          Do you have any idea what may have caused the sudden latency issue?

          Was there a sudden increase in the volume of messages to be handled?

          Were there any changes to the objects in the routes?

          Were there any changes to the platform or operating environment?

          Was more work (outside of the Branch routes) added to either the same or other processes in the site?

          I am just curious as to what may have caused the sudden degradation.

          Unless this was not sudden and simply has been getting progressively worse and just arrived at a pain threshold.


          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #85371
          Ken Smith

            Probably the last point. We have been gredually increasing the threads and processes in the site. But this has been an ongoing thing and all of a sudden the complaints started coming in about getting ADT messages only after a long delay.

          • #85372
            Jim Kosloskey

              When overloading processes (or to a lesser degree sites), the effect is not gradual. Rather a plateau eventually gets reached and it is like falling off of a cliff.

              Normal capacity and performance measurements such as CPU/Memory consumption or SIO saturation are insufficient in this model to give early warning.

              Rather it is essential in my opinion to understand the peak arrival rate at each point of load transition and measure the latency through the engine watching carefully for degradation and especially for queue depth buildup.

              So lets drill down some with what we know.

              Did any of these branched routes cross processes? Was the increase in additional work also in the process(es) which housed the branches or other processes?

              During the performance issue were any of the outbound threads or routes suffering from deep queues?

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #85373
              Gary Holodnick

                Yes, the several branched routes crossed processes.

                Most of the additions where in processes outside of the processes with branches. I believe there was one branch route added to the processes with the branch.

                No queues were indicated by CL. The only place we could see the messages was in the Recovery DB.

                The most puzzling part, of this to me, is that the message volume, number of processes and threads stayed exactly the same. All I did was convert the branched route to individual routes and the latency problems went away, returning to .5 seconds or less.


              • #85374
                Jim Kosloskey

                  Is the cross process routing internal (in other words the route from an inbound thread in one process routes to another thread in a different process) or was cross process achieved by utilizing local host threads (IB routed to OB local host in one process then an IB thread local host in another process picks up the messages and delivers them to the final OB destination?

                  I have not used the branch so I am not sure internally where the consumption points might be. If it is possible to increase the EO when the branches are in use and study the engine activity then one could compare that to the non-branched solution to possibly see where the additional engine activity might be.

                  It is interesting that there were no deep queues (route thread or pending) during the slowdown. Is it possible the messages were not arriving from the source as quickly as they were created – in other words could there have been a queue on the source?

                  If you would like to email me maybe we could continue this discussion off line.

                  email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #85375
                  Gary Holodnick

                    Email coming your way Jim.

                  • #85376
                    Elisha Gould

                      We’ve had issues where everything slows down considerably when the SAN is having issues.

                      In our case we need the io latency to be below 10ms. If it bumps up past this threshold, we start seeing slowdowns in throughput.

                      If you keep logs of the server activity, it’ll show higher than normal io wait if this occurs.

                    • #85377
                      Gary Holodnick

                        Thank you, we will keep this in mind if we see the issue again.


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