PDL TCP/IP Protocol Properties : ‘Close after write’

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  • #48889


      We are Qdx 5.4P_REV1 on AIX 5.2 Unix Server and Windows XP for Client.  My outbound connection is CLIENT type and Await replies (ACK) option is checked with 10 seconds for timeout.

      My problem is that one : for example, I tried to send 3 ADT successives activities as HL7 msgs to a system bottom a firewall and Qdx bypassing that firewall with success. The first msg is send and Qdx received immediately the application ACK and this is fine. But for the next msgs, Qdx don’t received the application ACK and Qdx detect some problems on the port and resend the same msg as supposed… vs ‘No response within timeout or state 14 message resent.’. I talked about that with the responsable of that other system and he said to me he don’t see anything to pass about that next msgs sended from Qdx.

      I want to try something but I’m not sure it’s working. Does somebody can explain me if it is possible to use that option here and how is working the ‘Close after write’ option in Client Type and if it is the best thing to do ? What else can I do to resolve my problem ? That outbound thread stay UP during that situation.

      Thank a lot in advance


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    • Author
      • #60010
        Abe Rastkar

          Before you change anything you need to find out if the message gets to the recieving system. If it does not, you need to find out where the interrunpt is. (fr example the firewall). How long is it between the first message and the second one? Could the firewall be timing out the message?

          If the message gets there and the receivin system does not reply, then the problem is in the receiving interface processing.

        • #60011
          Russ Ross

            If you do decide to try and figure out more specifically were the problem is occuring, you might find doing a iptrace very useful.

            I run on the same version of AIX you are on (AIX 5.2) so you should be able to duplicate these steps


            How to do an IP trace

            pw: ???

            cd /hcitest
            ls trace.log
            rm -f trace.log
            iptrace -a -d “hostname” -p “port#” -b trace.log
                          ——–      —–
            ls -l trace.log
            ps -ef |grep iptrace
            kill # (where # is the PID #)

            ipreport -rns trace.log > trace.rpt
            vi -R trace.rpt

            – “hostname” specifies packets headed for this host.
            The host name variable can be a name or an IP address.

            Russ Ross

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