Portions of process log:
[pti :sche:DBUG/2:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:54:47] Thread 3 has been
[pti :sche:INFO/1:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:54:47] Thread has 1 read
y events.
[pti :even:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:54:47] Processing SOCKET
(PDL server) event 0x2157a6d8
[pti :even:DBUG/1:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:54:47] Calling cb 0x200b
[pdl :read:DBUG/2:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:54:47] Events: E 0, R 8,
W 0
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/1:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Clearing PDL list
en event
[pti :even:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Unregistering SOC
KET (PDL server) event 0x2157a6d8 for tid 3
[pti :even:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] evUnregister SOCK
ET event 0x2157A6D8 for tid 3
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] accepted fd = 72
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/1:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Creating PDL list
en event on fd 72
[pti :even:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Registering SOCKE
T (PDL server) event 0x2157a6d8 for tid 3
[pti :even:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Registering SOCKE
T event for tid 3
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Calling Tcl proce
dure: hci_pd.default.open-ok
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] with args: {{clie
nt “”} {status ok}}
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Tcl procedure hci
_pd.default.open-ok returns ”
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/2:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] PDL changed state
s: old 4, new 0
[pdl :init:DBUG/1:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] PDL did initializ
e: code = 0
[pd :pdtd:INFO/1:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Set driver status
[pti :sche:INFO/1:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread has 0 read
y events left.
[pti :sele:DBUG/1: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Fd 72 ready for READ by thr
ead loxogon_rte_response_in
[diag:leak:DBUG/0: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] diag fds free 0x21b51248
[pti :sche:DBUG/3: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Skipped SOCKET event 0x2157
a6d8; not CLEAR
[diag:leak:DBUG/0: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] diag el free 0x214d3588
[pti :sche:INFO/2: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread 3 is on deck.
[pti :sche:INFO/1: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] PTI Sched giving thread 3 a
[pti :sche:DBUG/1: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Scheduler enabling a SCHED_
IDLE thread
[pti :sche:DBUG/2:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread 3 has been
[pti :sche:INFO/1:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread has 2 read
y events.
[pti :even:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Processing ACTIVE
[pti :even:DBUG/1:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Calling cb 0x200b
[msi :msi :DBUG/1:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] msiExportStats: e
xport for thread: loxogon_rte_response_in
[pti :even:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Unregistering ACT
[pti :even:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] evUnregister ACTI
VE_TIMER event 0x21494EA8 for tid 3
[diag:leak:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] diag timeval allo
c 0x20fa22d8
[diag:leak:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] diag dqe alloc 0x
[pti :even:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Registering ACTIV
[pti :even:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Registering ACTIV
E_TIMER event for tid 3
[diag:leak:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] diag timeval free
[pti :sche:INFO/1:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread has 1 read
y events left.
[pti :even:DBUG/1: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Checking for polled events
[pti :even:DBUG/1: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Checking for polled events
[xlt :xlat:INFO/1: rte2_xlate:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Checking xlate queues
xlate: # msg = 0; try = 1; force = 0
[pti :even:DBUG/1: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Checking for polled events
[pti :even:DBUG/1: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Checking for polled events
[pti :even:DBUG/1: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Checking for polled events
[pti :even:DBUG/1: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Checking for polled events
[diag:leak:DBUG/0: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] diag timeval alloc 0x20fa22
[diag:leak:DBUG/0: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] diag timeval free 0x20fa22
[pti :sche:DBUG/3: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread 0 isn’t runnable.
[pti :sche:DBUG/3: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread 1 isn’t runnable.
[pti :sche:DBUG/3: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread 2 isn’t runnable.
[pti :sche:DBUG/3: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread 3 is runnable.
[pti :sche:DBUG/3: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread 4 isn’t runnable.
[pti :sche:DBUG/3: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread 5 isn’t runnable.
[pti :sche:INFO/0: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Non-blocking select().
[pti :sele:DBUG/0: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Non-blocking select().
[diag:leak:DBUG/0: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] diag fds alloc 0x21b51248
[pti :sele:DBUG/1: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Select sets after: NFDS = 1
in [7:72], NMSGS = 0 of 0
[diag:leak:DBUG/0: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] diag el alloc 0x2157a718 n
um 73
[pti :sele:DBUG/1: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Fd 72 ready for READ by thr
ead loxogon_rte_response_in
[diag:leak:DBUG/0: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] diag fds free 0x21b51248
[pti :sche:DBUG/3: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Skipped SOCKET event 0x2157
a6d8; not CLEAR
[diag:leak:DBUG/0: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] diag el free 0x2157a718
[pti :sche:INFO/2: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread 3 is on deck.
[pti :sche:INFO/1: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] PTI Sched giving thread 3 a
[pti :sche:DBUG/1: rte2_cmd:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Scheduler enabling a SCHED_
IDLE thread
[pti :sche:DBUG/2:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread 3 has been
[pti :sche:INFO/1:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Thread has 1 read
y events.
[pti :even:DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Processing SOCKET
(PDL server) event 0x2157a6d8
[pti :even:DBUG/1:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Calling cb 0x200b
[pdl :read:DBUG/2:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Events: E 0, R 8,
W 0
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] read 491 bytes
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] input buffer acce
pted 491 bytes, now 491
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 02 49 53 41 2a
30 30 2a |.ISA*00*|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 | |
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 20 20 2a 30 30
2a 20 20 | *00* |
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 | |
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 2a 5a 5a 2a 4c
4f 58 4f |*ZZ*LOXO|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 47 4f 4e 20 20
20 20 20 |GON |
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 20 20 20 2a 5a
5a 2a 48 | *ZZ*H|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 55 52 4c 45 59
54 20 20 |URLEYT |
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 20 20 20 20 20
20 2a 31 | *1|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 33 30 31 30 34
2a 31 30 |30104*10|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 35 34 2a 5e 2a
30 30 35 |54*^*005|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 30 31 2a 30 30
30 30 30 |01*00000|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 32 38 39 32 2a
31 2a 54 |2892*1*T|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 2a 3a 7e 47 53
2a 48 42 |*:~GS*HB|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 2a 4c 4f 58 4f
47 4f 4e |*LOXOGON|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 2a 48 55 52 4c
45 59 54 |*HURLEYT|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 2a 31 33 30 31
30 34 2a |*130104*|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 31 30 35 34 2a
32 38 39 |1054*289|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 32 2a 58 2a 30
30 35 30 |2*X*0050|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 31 30 58 32 37
39 41 31 |10X279A1|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 7e 53 54 2a 32
37 31 2a |~ST*271*|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 32 38 39 32 2a
30 30 35 |2892*005|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 30 31 30 58 32
37 39 41 |010X279A|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 31 7e 42 48 54
2a 30 30 |1~BHT*00|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 32 32 2a 31 31
2a 45 50 |22*11*EP|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 49 43 20 39 39
34 32 37 |IC 99427|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 30 20 34 33 36
20 54 53 |0 436 TS|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 54 2a 32 30 31
33 30 31 |T*201301|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 30 34 2a 31 36
35 34 7e |04*1654~|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 48 4c 2a 31 2a
2a 32 30 |HL*1**20|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 2a 31 7e 4e 4d
31 2a 50 |*1~NM1*P|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 52 2a 32 2a 42
43 42 53 |R*2*BCBS|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 20 4f 46 20 4d
49 43 48 | OF MICH|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 49 47 41 4e 2a
2a 2a 2a |IGAN****|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 2a 50 49 2a 30
30 32 31 |*PI*0021|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 30 7e 48 4c 2a
32 2a 31 |0~HL*2*1|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 2a 32 31 2a 31
7e 4e 4d |*21*1~NM|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 31 2a 31 50 2a
32 2a 48 |1*1P*2*H|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 55 52 4c 45 59
20 4d 45 |URLEY ME|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 44 49 43 41 4c
20 43 45 |DICAL CE|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 4e 54 45 52 2a
2a 2a 2a |NTER****|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 2a 58 58 2a 31
35 39 38 |*XX*1598|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 37 31 37 34 38
30 7e 48 |717480~H|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 4c 2a 33 2a 32
2a 32 32 |L*3*2*22|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 2a 30 7e 4e 4d
31 2a 49 |*0~NM1*I|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 4c 2a 31 2a 43
41 44 55 |L*1*CADU|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 53 54 2a 54 57
45 4e 54 |ST*TWENT|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 59 45 49 47 48
54 41 2a |YEIGHTA*|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 2a 2a 2a 4d 49
2a 54 41 |***MI*TA|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 43 31 32 33 34
35 36 37 |C1234567|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 38 39 7e 41 41
41 2a 59 |89~AAA*Y|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 2a 2a 37 38 2a
43 7e 44 |**78*C~D|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 4d 47 2a 44 38
2a 31 39 |MG*D8*19|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 37 33 30 31 30
33 2a 4d |730103*M|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 7e 44 54 50 2a
32 39 31 |~DTP*291|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 2a 44 38 2a 32
30 31 33 |*D8*2013|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 30 31 30 34 7e
53 45 2a |0104~SE*|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 31 32 2a 32 38
39 32 7e |12*2892~|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 47 45 2a 31 2a
32 38 39 |GE*1*289|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 32 7e 49 45 41
2a 31 2a |2~IEA*1*|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 30 30 30 30 30
32 38 39 |00000289|
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] 32 7e 03
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] IDLE and 491 byte
s but no error: starting READ
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/2:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] PDL changed state
s: old 0, new 1
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Calling Tcl proce
dure: hci_pd.read
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] with args: {}
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Tcl procedure hci
_pd.read returns ‘RECEIVE’
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] trying to match p
hrase: basic-msg
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] multi_phrase_2: s
tatus = ok
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] Calling Tcl proce
dure: read.done
[pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:loxogon_rte_response_in:01/04/2013 11:55:25] with args: {{stat
us ok} {end {491 0}} {data {1 489}}}
/* $Id: loxogonx12_tcp.pdl,v 1.3 2013/1/3 00:05:27 neuts Exp $ */
* Copyright 2002, McKesson under license from Quovadx, Inc.
* loxogonx12_tcp.pdl – TCP/IP Protocol for Loxogon X12 transmision
define driver loxogonx12tcp;
version: “2.0”;
end driver;
/* This driver manages the transmission of messages using the X12 defined
* TCP protocol. Each message is bounded by a start character
* and a stop string
* The phrase basic-msg recognizes this message format. Once recognized,
* the message data will be available from the ‘data’ field.
define phrase basic-msg;
field data = variable-array( not(
end phrase;
* End of declarative section, TCL management functions start here. *
# This can be handled completely using the “basic” style.
hci_pd_msg_style basic phrase:basic-msg
Message from tcpdump showing start and stop characters.
0x0000 4500 0213 73f6 0000 7e06 4998 0c82 6494 E…s