So far the best option seems to be using a ‘not’ in a variable-array and storing the XML data between the delimiters in a field variable. The problem I have is that it appears the ‘not’ does not accept multiple character delimiters only single so I am only able to use a single linefeed as a delimiter which causes issues because there is a linefeed after each line of XML data.
Please any suggestions on a possible work around. The PDL code I have attempted so far including failed attempts that are comment out are as follows:
define driver tcpip-erx;
version: “1.0”;
end driver;
define phrase basic-msg-two;
/* field data = fixed-array( 1,any ); */
/* field data = variable-array( not(
/* field data = variable-array( not( ‘
/*field chk = fixed-array(2,
/* field term = fixed-array(100, begin variable-array(not(
field term = variable-array( not( ‘
end phrase;
hci_pd_msg_style basic phrase:basic-msg-two