PDL allow double message Delimiter

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  • Creator
  • #54256
    Dustin Schreader

      Currently I have a client that is sending XML data without length encoding or standard encapsulation but I figure there should be a way to set the starting delimiter to “ or 0x0A 0x0A.

      So far the best option seems to be using a ‘not’ in a variable-array and storing the XML data between the delimiters in a field variable. The problem I have is that it appears the ‘not’ does not accept multiple character delimiters only single so I am only able to use a single linefeed as a delimiter which causes issues because there is a linefeed after each line of XML data.

      Please any suggestions on a possible work around. The PDL code I have attempted so far including failed attempts that are comment out are as follows:


      define driver tcpip-erx;
         version: “1.0”;
      end driver;

      define phrase basic-msg-two;
        “, ) ); */
      /*    field data = variable-array( not( ‘
      ‘ ) );*/
      /*field chk = fixed-array(2,
       /*  field term = fixed-array(100, begin variable-array(not(
      )); ; end); */
      field term = variable-array( not( ‘
      ‘ ) );
      end phrase;

      hci_pd_msg_style basic  phrase:basic-msg-two

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    • Author
      • #80741
        Charlie Bursell

          I assume you are using 5.8 or better

          Try the TCP/IP protocol the select Encapsulated -> User

          set start to <?

          set end to nn

          A quick and dirty test on my Windows box seems to work OK

        • #80742
          Dustin Schreader

            We are still using cloverleaf 5.7. We do not have the option in TCP/IP protocol to select the Encapsulated Options.

          • #80743
            Charlie Bursell

              That will be real tough.  PDL was written for the very first version of Cloverleaf and has not changed much since.  There are some things that are hard to do.

              I have done some similar things using X.12 where I define a bogus encapsulation statement and let it error.  I then capture the buffer in PDL and get what I want.  Slows things down a bit but not too much.

              You also need to consider ACK messages.  Surely you will send ACKs.  You need that for flow control.

              Bottom line is I would update if I were you.  Running 5.7is like still running Windows XP.

            • #80744
              Dustin Schreader

                Thank you for the help Charlie. We decided to move the code to Cloverleaf 5.8.

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