Patient Cell Phone Number in HL7 ADT

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  • Creator
  • #48115
    Siew Choo Lim

      Dear Clovertechie,

      I am trying to find a spot on my HL7 ADT layout to send Patient Cell Phone.

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    • Author
      • #57691
        Jim Kosloskey

          What version 2.2, 2.3, 2.3.1, etc.?

          If 2.3 or higher, PID-13 is an XTN type field. With that there is a component which describes the type of Telecommunication equipment and CP is for Cell Phone.

          For backward compatability the first occurence of the field is the primary telephone number (but could be Cell or other). Also the telephone number itself is to be formatted or componetized such as:

          (718)428-3333^PRN^PH      (PRN for Primary Residence Number; PH for Telephone





          The second ocurence then could be

          (212)111-1111^ORN^CP    (ORN for Other Residence Number; CP for Cellular Phone)





          Check Chapter 2 of the HL/7 specifications for the format of XTN and the recommended codes for Telecommunication Use and Telecommunication Type.

          However, most vendors don’t follow the standard very well.

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #57692
          Siew Choo Lim

            Jim Kosloskey wrote:

            What version 2.2, 2.3, 2.3.1, etc.?

            If 2.3 or higher, PID-13 is an XTN type field. With that there is a component which describes the type of Telecommunication equipment and CP is for Cell Phone.

            For backward compatability the first occurence of the field is the primary telephone number (but could be Cell or other). Also the telephone number itself is to be formatted or componetized such as:


          • #57693
            Siew Choo Lim

              Hi Jim,

              I’ve further question on this.

              If the patient has a Primary home phone and a Cell phone, PID;13 will look like this right ?



              |^PRN^PH^^^718^428^3333~^ORN^CP^^^212^111^1111 |



              Please advise.


              Siew Choo Lim wrote:

              Jim Kosloskey wrote:

              What version 2.2, 2.3, 2.3.1, etc.?

              If 2.3 or higher, PID-13 is an XTN type field. With that there is a component which describes the type of Telecommunication equipment and CP is for Cell Phone.

              For backward compatability the first occurence of the field is the primary telephone number (but could be Cell or other). Also the telephone number itself is to be formatted or componetized such as:


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