Path copy within an iterate?

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Path copy within an iterate?

  • Creator
  • #52714
    Cynthia Briscoe

      I am trying to translate a MDM^T02 to an ORU^R01 my only problem is getting the OBX segments to copy.

      I tried doing an iterate on the segment and then a path copy within this iterate of the whole OBX but it will only copy the first field of each OBX segment.

      I tried changing it to a group iterate and that doesn’t even do the first OBX.  Iterate functions are my nemesis!  Any body know how to do this

      I have attached the xlate

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    • Author
      • #75261
        Jim Kosloskey


          In your PATHCOPY move the %s1 to the (0) followint the OBX. Right now you have the counter in the group position and it appears this is a repeating segment. The (0) following the segment name is the segment repetition position within the address path.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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