I have the following tps proc as well as 2 others that are running currently and have for months now. This code in the testing tool and our test site panics the engine and shuts down the process.
The below proc just copies the number to MSH 6 so the other vendor can identify the messages.
run {
# ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
keylget args MSGID mh
set msg [msgget $mh]
set fs [crange $msg 3 3]
set cs [crange $msg 4 4]
set rs [crange $msg 5 5]
set tmpMSH {}
set segmentList [split $msg r]
foreach segment $segmentList {
set segmentid [crange $segment 0 2]
switch -exact — $segmentid {
set splitsegment [split $segment $fs]
set tmpMSH $splitsegment
set tmpMSH [join [lreplace $tmpMSH 6 6 171003] |]
set segmentList [lreplace $segmentList 0 0 $tmpMSH]
#create a new message and continue it on.
set nmh [msgcreate -recover [join $segmentList r]]
echo [msgget $mh]
lappend dispList “KILL $mh”
lappend dispList “CONTINUE $nmh”
I have tried this 2 ways one creating the new message using mh and just continue mh that panics the engine and the way above that panics the engine. The echo statement prints fine. I can comment out the CONTINUE and the proc will run.
Below is the panic codes I see in the testing tool.
[pti :sign:WARN/0: UNNAMED_TID:06/06/2012 15:37:10] Thread 0 received signal 11
[pti :sign:WARN/0: UNNAMED_TID:06/06/2012 15:37:10] PC = 0xffffffff
PANIC: “0”
PANIC: Calling “pti” for thread UNNAMED_TID
—– Scheduler State —–
Thread Events State Priority Runnable PT Msgs
0 0 SCHED_IDLE 0 0 1,0,0
————– Thread 0 ————–
ti: 0x0xa0286c8
tid : 0
HostPthreadId : 0x(nil)
EventList : 0x0xa027608
PolledEvents : 0x0xa028628
PthreadEvent : 0x(nil)
ReadyEvents : 0x0xa028598
CtrlMsgs : 0x0xa0287c8
UserCtrlMsgs : 0x0xa0287d8
UserDataMsgs : 0x0xa0287e8
StartArgs : 0x(nil)
SchedState : SCHED_IDLE
SchedPriority : 0
Killed : 1
—– Registered Events —–
el: 0x0xa027608
elCount : 0
elHead: 0x(nil)
elTail: 0x(nil)
—– Polled Events —–
el: 0x0xa028628
elCount : 0
elHead: 0x(nil)
elTail: 0x(nil)
—– Ready Events —–
el: 0x0xa028598
elCount : 0
elHead: 0x(nil)
elTail: 0x(nil)
—– Outstanding Pthread Ctrl Msgs —–
pmq: 0x0xa0287c8
Count : 1
Head : 0x0xb822060
Tail : 0x0xb822060
PthreadMsg: 0x0xb822060
ptmType : 1
ptmSender : 0
ptmCtrl : 3358
ptmNext : 0x(nil)
ptmDataPtr: 0x(nil)
ptmDataInt: 0
—– Outstanding Pthread User Ctrl Msgs —–
pmq: 0x0xa0287d8
Count : 0
Head : 0x(nil)
Tail : 0x(nil)
—– Outstanding Pthread User Data Msgs —–
pmq: 0x0xa0287e8
Count : 0
Head : 0x(nil)
Tail : 0x(nil)
PANIC: Process panic—engine going down
PANIC: assertion ‘0’ failed at PthreadInterface.cpp/715
Any help is greatly appreciated.