This scripted shutdown and startup has been running for several months without incident.
[prod:prod:INFO/0: STARTUP_TID:03/30/2017 00:48:04] Engine process is 14156030 on host cloverprod
[prod:prod:INFO/0: STARTUP_TID:03/30/2017 00:48:04] HostMsgIdentifier is 259499837
[cmd :cmd :ERR /0: extracts_cmd:03/30/2017 00:48:05] Failed to obtain and register command port
PANIC: “0”
PANIC: Calling “pti” for thread extracts_cmd
PANIC: Calling “dbi shutdown” for thread extracts_cmd
PANIC: Process panic—engine going down
PANIC: assertion ‘0’ failed at commandThread.cpp/636
This is Cloverleaf
Peter Heggie