PACS Vendors

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  • Creator
  • #48523
    Paul Johnston

      Hello ALL,

      It looks like we will be choosing AGFA as are PACS vendor.

      Just want to get an idea of any sites who went with this vendor and

      the difficulty level of the Interface work .  

      Please indicate if you also use Mckesson as your ADT vendor .



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    • Author
      • #58868
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi Paul,

          We have implemented PACS from Agfa last year. The interfaces were pretty straightforward on itself. What made it difficult was that we wanted some things ‘our’ way:

          * Instead of using QPlanner to plan appointments, we wanted to plan the appointments in our HIS (SAP) and then send the appointments as SIU messages to QDoc.

          Biggest problem here was merging specific exams from our HIS into one exam for QDoc. For example a doctor orders a Left Knee, Left Knee lateral and Left Knee ap. In QDoc, they wanted this ordered as one exam Left Knee (all pictures under one exam-item), but they still wanted to know the exams the doctor ordered.

          * We wanted all results (link to pictures and actual report) back in our HIS. So we had to connect three different messages (ORU, RIS-ORM and Web-ORM) to get all the information. We did this by using the accession number as identifying entity. But this was hard on the users: they had to make sure everything was under the same accession number.

          All in all, we have a pretty stable system now.

          Hope this helps.

          Having written this Friday morning, in the afternoon we had a big crash of all Agfa systems (QDoc/Impax/Web). It took untill midnight before everything was working…

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

        • #58869
          Paul Johnston

            Hello Robert,

            Thanks for reply

            You didn’t say if your HIS was Mckesson .

            If so do you allow for Messages ( ORM ) from AGFA PACS back into

            Mckesson Star RAD ?


          • #58870
            Robert Kersemakers

              Hi Paul,

              Our HIS is SAP (IS-H/IS-H*MED).

              Next to the ORM messages from QDoc (Study Finished) we also allow ORM ‘s from Web1000 (Image Online/Image Offline) and ORU’s from QDoc (Initial/Final Results) into SAP.

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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