Output to file from Testing Tool tcl

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Output to file from Testing Tool tcl

  • Creator
  • #117320
    Timothy O’Donnell

      Good afternoon,

      I have files with a few thousand lines each that I’m running through a tcl to translate from flat file to HL7. When I run it through the interface I created (file to file), it takes hours and hours to translate one file (because of how many lines each has.) When I run the same file through the tcl Testing Tool, it takes a minute or two to translate everything to screen. However, if I test it to output file, the file has a string of numbers before each MSH.
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Is there anyway for me to run the tcl Testing Tool with attributes that will give me an output file with the HL7 messages, separated by a CR, no MESSAGE # or numbers in between?</p>

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    • Author
      • #117322
        Paul Bishop

          hcitpstestsavebydisp has some arguments you can use to change the style the file is saved as.  put “{STYLE nl}” in the arguments.  Default is the length encoded file that you are seeing.

          There is also the BASE argument which puts a prefix on the file.

          Paul Bishop
          Carle Foundation Hospital
          Urbana, IL

        • #117323
          Charlie Bursell

            Should be a script I wrote many moons ago that will translate the length encoded file to newline, len_10_nl.  Run with no args for help.

            I may have to redo for 19.1 as the perl library seems to have changed.  Should be OK for 5.8

          • #117324
            Robert Kersemakers

              Processing through the interface shouldn’t be that much slower than through testing tool. Check your Read Interval and Max Messages in the fileset-local protocol.

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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