Outbound Thread Setup

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  • Creator
  • #52639
    Gerand Fontenot

      I have an outbound tread that disconnects once a day. I have to stop and start it because I have it setup on the outbound tab  inbound replies to await for replies with setting of -1 for timeout.  I also have the outbound data setup with retries with -1 and interval 15.  I would like some clarification on how does does retries work if I change the await for replies to 10 for timeout.  If the remote system disconnects and reconnects will engine retry the same message over and over until it gets a reply because of the -1 settings on the retries.  If someone could explan how this all works and how it works if the remote device disconnects and how it works if I stop and start the tread.  


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    • Author
      • #74943
        Michael Hertel

          We set our up as:

          Retries -1 (retries forever, will not skip to the next message)

          Interval 30

          Timeout 30 (resend if no reply for 30 seconds)

        • #74944
          Gerand Fontenot

            If the connection status is open does it try to resend and que up the resend messages or does it try to resend only if the thread status is up.

          • #74945
            James Cobane

              If the connection status is ‘opening’, the engine will not try to send/re-send as it doesn’t have an active connection; the data will just queue.  Once the connection is re-established, Cloverleaf will then send/re-send.

              Jim Cobane

              Henry Ford Health

            • #74946
              Gerand Fontenot

                What is the difference between the interval and the timeout?  Thanks

              • #74947
                Jim Kosloskey

                  The interval is for protocol write failures.

                  The timeout is for when the protocol write occurred and an acknowledgment (reply) is expected.

                  email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #74948
                  Gerand Fontenot

                    Thanks for all help

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