ORM and ORU out the same thread

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  • Creator
  • #51610
    Mark Perschbacher

      I’ve been searching the forum for discussions about routing ORU and ORM out the same thread but haven’t found any.  Our LIS vendor is recommending  that we run ORU to our clients, and ORM to our reference lab out the same port.  What I’m trying to map out is how to route the ORU using our standard trix id of MSH 6 values in Thread config., Route messages, and how to route all the ORM out to a separate thread.  Anybody done this before?

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    • Author
      • #70966
        Nick Stainback

          Assuming that the ORM would be an inbound from the clients and the ORU’s would be outbound it should not matter.   Just be sure you don’t duplicate IB ports.  

          Just setup your IB(ORM) from Port 1234 and OB(ORU)  to IP port 1234

          Hope this helps…

        • #70967
          Mark Perschbacher

            Nick, let me clarify.  The ORU will be outbound to our clients, and the ORM will be outbound to our reference lab.  Right now, all I have outbound are ORU that I’m using a trixid to route.

          • #70968
            Tim Gobbel

              We get both ORM and ORU messages from our lab (Sunquest) on the same port to the same thread.

            • #70969
              Mark Perschbacher

                Tim, that is just what I’m trying to do.  I would be interested to see how you have the trix id for this thread configured.

              • #70970
                Tim Gobbel

                  I don’t know about trix id.

                • #70971
                  Mark Perschbacher

                    Hmm, it sounds like you are using a trix id to route.  If you go into Thread properties, Inbound, Trix Id deter, and click Edit, is there a proc listed?

                  • #70972
                    Jim Kosloskey


                      If the incoming messages are true HL/7 then the trxid is in MSH-9.1 and MSH-9.2.

                      There is no need for a trxid proc. Simply specify HL7 as the Message and Cloverleaf know where to look. If you are on Cloverleaf prior to 5.6, then you also need to specify a variant.

                      email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                    • #70973
                      Tim Gobbel

                        Yeah, what he said!  I checked the IB tab and the attached is a screen print.  It is filled with HL7 that is picked from the drop down.  Thanx!

                      • #70974
                        Mark Perschbacher

                          So if I am following you, by specifying HL7 in the trix id deter. window, and entering the message type in the Route Messages, new route , route name window, Cloverleaf will direct the message where you want.  What I’m trying to engineer is a way to send out ORM and ORU, like the screen shot Tim included, but also route the ORU out to specific threads.  I guess I could create a list of Details under ORU corresponding to each of the outbound threads, and use kill_msg to filter them based on the client.

                        • #70975
                          Tim Gobbel

                            You can create as many details as you need.  If you want the ORM to go to only one thread then add only that one detail.  If you want the ORU to go to 100 clients, then create 100 details to those destination threads and don’t create details for the ones you don’t want the ORU to go to.  Thanx!

                          • #70976
                            Mark Perschbacher

                              Thanks for your replies Tim and Jim.  It looks like my two choices here are

                              1.  Burn an additional thread to route the ORU and ORM out separately.

                              2.  Use the method discussed above.  The only issue I see there is that by using kill_msg  for each thread, the engine is going to have to read thru all the details for every message, seem like lots of unecessary overhead.

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