odbc question

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Tcl Library odbc question

  • Creator
  • #52197
    Mike Campbell

      I am trying to run a called TCL proc from inside an Xlate.

      Basically, I’m querying a database for a primary MRN and a merge MRN.

      The first MRN passed works fine.  It queries the database and returns the expected results.  The next execution of the TCL proc doesn’t work.  It is like the SQL process is still active.  After each result we are issuing:

        # free ODBC handles

          set err [odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hstmt]

          set err [odbc SQLDisconnect $hDBConnection]

          set err [odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_DBC $hDBConnection]

          set err [odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_ENV $henv]

      What else do we need to do to free up the connection?


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    • Author
      • #73373
        Jim Kosloskey


          Those are the handles I freee at disconnect.

          Are you checking the return with each FreeHandle to make sure it worked?

          Also, are you realocating and reconnecting with each invocation?

          email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #73374
          Mike Campbell

            I sure thought I was.  I’ll check the status after each instruction to make sure it works.  Thanks for the ideas.  I’ll let you know what I discover.

          • #73375
            Mike Campbell

              I echo the results after all of the FreeHandle instructions, and all return the SQL_SUCCESS.  

              Next question, exactly what is meant by “realocating and reconnecting with each invocation.”?  I’ve tried to add the ‘mode’ start, run, etc. but it doesn’t like it.

            • #73376
              Jim Kosloskey


                What I was asking was whether you allocated handles and connected every time the proc was executed.

                I see that you do.

                Are multiple queries being done for one mesage or is this proc only executed once within an Xlate per message?

                What exactly do you see in the log? I ask because it looks like you are displaying when there is no data found as a result of the query and you also potentially echo out the return from the query command.

                Is the query successful but no data was found when the problem arises or is there some other pattern?

                email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #73377
                Mike Campbell

                  The xlate passes first the primary MRN.  Then the database is queried for the merged MRN, or secondary one.    

                  The results are:

                  Starting BloodBank – Cerner proc

                  Primary MRN:  6106635

                  test1 results is: SQL_SUCCESS

                  test2 results is: SQL_SUCCESS

                  test3 results is: SQL_SUCCESS

                  SQLConnect :  SQL_SUCCESS

                  First conneect stmt: SQL_SUCCESS

                  Second conneect stmt: SQL_SUCCESS

                  Third conneect stmt: SQL_SUCCESS

                  Forth conneect stmt: SQL_SUCCESS

                  SQLConnect2 SQL_SUCCESS

                  Fifth conneect stmt: SQL_SUCCESS


                  results is:  SQL_SUCCESS

                  err is >SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND<

                  Nothing found for MRN of > 6106635 <

                  RESULTS found is > FAIL <

                  Free handle is: SQL_SUCCESS

                  Connection is: SQL_SUCCESS

                  Handle DBC is: SQL_SUCCESS

                  Handle ENV is: SQL_SUCCESS

                  Send back message is: >FAIL<

                  Starting the merge query: 6106635

                  Starting the Secondary merge query: 6126467

                  Secondary query returned: 6126467

                  When the secondary query is started [from the same message] it just doesn’t seem to work…

                • #73378
                  David Barr

                    You can try calling SQLGetDiagRec to get more detailed information about the failure:


                    odbc SQLGetDiagRec SQL_HANDLE_DBC $hdbc 1 SqlState NativeError MessageText 511 TextLength
                    puts $MessageText

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