ODBC Help please

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf ODBC Help please

  • Creator
  • #49426
    Felix Ortiz

      Has anyone experience with DB2 and Connect 5.  I am having an issue with a DECIMAL 14,2 field that is retuned in my query.  

      I don’t know which datatype to bind the column to.  

      I have tried:

      SQL_C_CHAR (corrupt)

      SQL_DECIMAL (bails completely)

      SQL_C_FLOAT (corrupt)

      SQL_C_LONG (corrupt)

      SQL_C_DOUBLE (corrupt)

      I am beginning to think it is Data Direct that has the problem

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    • Author
      • #61913
        garry r fisher

          Hi Felix,

          Can you post the actual code showing your binding? I always have trouble with bindings on any DB and chose the simplest options where possible.



        • #61914
          Felix Ortiz

            I used this statement at first

            for { set x 1 } { $x < 18 } { incr x } {        odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt $x SQL_C_CHAR fld($x) 100 pcbValue$x } but after the problems starte occurring I started using individual calls for each column. odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 1 SQL_C_CHAR fld(1) 1000 pcbValue1 odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 2 SQL_DECIMAL fld(2) 1000 pcbValue2 odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 3 SQL_C_CHAR fld(3) 1000 pcbValue3 …..

          • #61915
            Felix Ortiz


              [DataDirect][ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol driver]Socket closed.

              This is the error I am getting after 662 rows have been fetched.  I am beginning to wonder if it is the something in the DSN rather than the Column bindings.

            • #61916
              Charlie Bursell

                It looks like DB2 has timed out the connection for inactivity, but the connection is still open on the server.  it may be a setting on the DB2 server side that only allows so much time on that socket.  Have you checked with the DBA?

                You may find something on the DataDirect Support Forum:


              • #61917
                Felix Ortiz

                  I found this on the DataDirect Website

                  P1 defect DEF0001864 was filed to development and a patch was made to the 5.0 DB2 ODBC driver to correct the issue.  The fix is evident in driver versions 5.00.0142 (B0065, U0037) and above.


                  Using their binary my version of the DB2 driver came back

                  $ bin/ivtestlib lib/CVdb220.so

                  Load of lib/CVdb220.so successful, qehandle is 0x3

                  File version: 05.00.0102 (B0048, U0031)

                  There is a link on the page to a patch, but it times out.  Will DataDirect support help me or does everything have to go through Quovadx?

                • #61918
                  Jim Kosloskey


                    As far as I know all support for Data Direct ODBC Drivers is through Quovadx.

                    Jim Kosloskey

                    email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                  • #61919
                    Felix Ortiz

                      These are the only setting he found:

                      Idle Query:  15 minutes

                    • #61920
                      Felix Ortiz

                        [To the Cloverkind] Do I need to contact my Rep to discuss a ODBC patch?

                      • #61921
                        Charlie Bursell

                          Without looking at your entire situation here is what I recommend:

                          Go to http://knowledgebase.datadirect.com/  which is DataDirect’s knowledge base.  Enter the return error you are getting:

                                [DataDirect][ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol driver]Socket closed

                          See if any of the cases in the knowledge base apply.  If there was a patch, they will direct you to a free download for a new driver.

                          If this doesn’t work, I suggest you open a Support case with Quovadx.  Depending on the true situation after looking at your implementation,  they may be able to help or may tell you that you require Implementation assistance.

                        • #61922
                          Felix Ortiz

                            When i try to download the patch I am presented with a login page.  i have left a message with Toni Star (sp?)

                          • #61923
                            Charlie Bursell

                              It would help when reerencing problems like this if you would post parameters like: Cloverleaf version, OS and version, etc.

                              Toni should point you in the right direction.

                            • #61924
                              Felix Ortiz

                                Host Server: clprod/

                                Current Platform:

                                Java version: 1.4.2

                                Java vendor: IBM Corporation

                                OS type: AIX

                                OS version: 5.3

                                OS arch: ppc

                                Server Build Information:

                                Version: 5.4P

                                Date: Mon Nov 14 2005

                                Time: 10:28:47

                                Platform: Windows_NT

                                Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.

                                JDK Version: 1.4

                                Swing Version: 1.4

                                RMI Version: 1.4

                                DataDirect Technologies

                                DataDirect Connect for ODBC on UNIX

                                Edition 5.0

                                May 2004

                              • #61925
                                Charlie Bursell

                                  I guess I am still confused.  I guess you have overwhelmed me with too much information  😀

                                  I just needed Cloverleaf and OS versions

                                  I understand you are running AIX 5.3 with Cloverleaf 5.4 and Connect 5.0?

                                  If you are interfacing with DB2 version 6 (I think this is right) or higher, I beleive you need Connect 5.2 which is avaialble with latest Cloverleaf upgrade.  Support will let you know.

                                  That is one of the reasons we constantly upgrade, to keep up with other applications, such as Data Direct and DB2, changes

                                • #61926
                                  Felix Ortiz

                                    Sorry for the extra info.  We did upgrade from Connect 4.2 to 5.0.   5.0 was the first version supporting DB2 V8, according to DataDirect documentations I found.

                                    We are not ready to move to 5.5 yet.

                                    Just spoke to Toni.  She is sending me the 5.5 media.  I am going to load Connect 5.2 and test with it.

                                  • #61927
                                    Jim Kosloskey


                                      Could you email me directly?

                                      I would like to discuss your use of ODBC and DB2.


                                      Jim Kosloskey

                                      email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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