OBX|1|ST|ioversol (OPTIRAY-320) 320 mg/mL injection 75 mL^IOVERSOL 320 MG/ML IV|1|
OBX|2|ST|&TCM|2|Here is a study note. nbsp; Entered by the tech.||||||E
OBX|3|ST|SIGNS^Relevant signs and symptoms||Testing Signs and Symptoms 2
OBX 1 contains medication; but if you look at OBX 3, there is no generic value contained to indicate it is a med. Note how the other two OBX segments have indicators in OBX 3 to tell us what kind of data is contained.
This Case i have ignore 2nd and 3rd send only the first OBX segment
Here is the TCL proc i am using
lassign $xlateInVals OBX3_0 OBX3_1
echo $OBX3_0
echo $OBX3_1
set outval “”
if {![lcontain
set outval $OBX3_1
} else {
set outval “”
set xlateOutVals
XlateOutVals is empty any idea what i am missing ?