Here is a snippet of code.
This code gathered up multiple OBX:5 strings which might have had the repeat (~) char embedded. At the end of each append, it placed another ~ so you get something like this in $fullReport:
text line~ text line text line text line~text line~ etc. some text lines being way longer than the allowable -75 chars in our case.
This snippet will split $fullReport on the ~ and then evaluate the length of each list item. If it’s longer than 74 chars, then the list item is broken up into 74 byte (or less to get whole word) chunks placing them into $newOBX5.
Hopefully you can pull somthing out of this that you might use.
# now create the OBX segment
# LCR can only handle 74 characters, so break up any
# lines larger than this.
set res_split [split $fullReport “~”]
set newOBX5 “”
foreach resline $res_split {
# echo resline $resline
set reslinelen [clength $resline]
if {$reslinelen < 76} {
append newOBX5 “~” $resline
} else {
set begofstr 0
set endofstr 74
set savlinelen $reslinelen
while {$reslinelen > 76} {
# locate the begining of the word the string land on
# subtract 1 to get to the space before
set endofstr [expr [string wordstart $resline $endofstr] – 1]
#echo “next line” [string trim [crange $resline $begofstr $endofstr]]
# trim the text to left justify the line
append newOBX5 “~” [string trim [crange $resline $begofstr $endofstr]]
# echo newOBX5 $newOBX5
# now get the difference between begining and end of string
# so we can piece out the lines in the paragraph
set diff [expr $endofstr – $begofstr]
# add a char so the same char isnt repeated
incr begofstr [expr $diff + 1]
incr endofstr 75
set reslinelen [expr $reslinelen – $diff]
# echo reslinelen $reslinelen
# echo begofstr $begofstr
# echo endofstr $endofstr
# echo savlinelen $savlinelen
## get the last one
append newOBX5 “~” [crange $resline $begofstr $savlinelen]