I’m trying to copy the text from OBX.#5 from the source message to the destination message using the following Tcl code to parse what I want out of the source:
set input [lindex $xlateInVals 0]
set collectedDateTime [string first “Collected: ” $input]
if {$collectedDateTime != -1} {
set output [string range $input $collectedDateTime end]
} else {
set output ” “
set xlateOutVals $output
In the source message, OBX.#5 contains:
Source: STL Collected: 01/07/13 7:00
In the destination message, OBX.#5 looks like this:
Can someone tell me why the text is getting truncated here? I saw a similar topic where someone mentioned changing the length of the OBX.#5 field, but I didn’t understand the solution presented. I’ve looked at the length of the OBX.#5 field, and it’s currently set to 65536. The solution mentioned to change the length to -1 to make it “infinite”, but I’m unable to type in a negative number.
If it’s any help, we’re on version 5.5 of Cloverleaf here.
Thank you.
George Kulz
Senior Java Programmer
Information Services
Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island