NPI and other Physician IDs and HL/7

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  • #49126
    Jim Kosloskey

      We will need to provide the NPI as well as perhaps either the in-house Physician ID and/or the UPIN within our HL/7 messages.

      Does anyone know of a prescribed method to accomodate these multiple Physician IDs or has a placement they are utilizing?

      I have some ideas about where I would suggest they exist, but I want to see what other ideas there are.


      Jim Kosloskey

      email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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    • Author
      • #60803
        Michael Lacriola

          Hey Jim,

          We have a MFN^M02 transaction we get from MSO physician credentialling system. The IDs (multiples of them like DEA,  State license, NPI, etc…) are in PRA.#6. The field looks something like this for us:

          |019017570^State License^IL^20090930~AM2409921^DEA Number^^20090131~019017570^Controlled Substance^IL^20090930~1598723892^NPI^^|

          We just interate through the repeated field looking for a particular code and value.

          Hope this helps.


        • #60804
          Jim Kosloskey



            We are looking at multiple versions from 2.1 through 2.4 of HL/7 to be affected and the provider fields are CN Data Types for 2.1 and 2.2 and XCN Data Type for 2.3 and beyond.

            Both constructs allow for a repeating field (just as you experienced in the PRA field) but the XCN has a component for identifying the type of ID (so we could have UPIN or NPI in the appropriate occurrence).

            The CN Data Type, however, does not have such a construct. So what I am proposing is the 2.1 messages have certain repetitions associated with certain ID Types (such as the first repetition is the UPIN, etc.).

            I dislike determining data intelligence from relative position and so the XCN construct is nice. But, we don’t have much choice with the CN Data Type.

            There are others here, however, who have a very distorted idea of how to resolve the challenge.

            Thanks again – your example provided me with a much needed sanity check.

            Jim Kosloskey

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #60805
            Tim Gobbel


              I also have to iterate over this field and pull just the UPN and NPI components and put just those back in the field.  I have never done a field iterate before.  Can you give be the type, basis abd variable to use to get me started?  I will probably iterate, pull the data and store it somewhwere else, null the field and then come back and put them in the first two components.  Thanx!

            • #60806
              Jim Kosloskey


                In the ITERATE Action property, select the field in question from the Source Message Tree (on the left). The middle button at the bottom of the tree should not be greyed out now. If you hover over the button it should say something like ‘Copy to Basis’.

                Click on the button and the proper basis will be set.

                Just be sure that you accomodate for the situation where a repeating field may be in a segment that is repeating that may be in a group that is repeating – on other words nested repetitions.

                In the actual address path of the field, the repetition counter (%f something) goes inside the parenthese that follow the field ID.

                Jim Kosloskey

                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #60807
                Tim Gobbel

                  Thanx!  I never knew that!  I will give it a try and see if I can get this done.  The PRA segment is a possible repeater but I have never seen it repeated out of Quadramed yet.  But better safe than sorry so I guess I will start with the group and add the %f1 where all my OBX Xlates have the %s1’s.  Thanx!

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