Note files – HTML v PLain Text

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Note files – HTML v PLain Text

  • Creator
  • #55316
    Bob Schmid

      We use PLain Text in our notes files.

      This is working as desired with xa’s recognized

      When this same file is referenced by Global Monitor it is displaying as one contiguous string (newlines ignored)

      When HTML box is selected – still plays the same way – no newline/BR

      We are running IE 11

      Any setting in client.ini, server.ini or on Global Monitor? that may help?

      Running GM 6.1

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    • Author
      • #84946
        John Mercogliano

          HTML ignores whitespace characters.  I add
          to the beginning of each line and that adds a line break for global monitor.  I’m sure you can use other html tags but have not had a need for it.

          John Mercogliano
          Sentara Healthcare
          Hampton Roads, VA

        • #84947
          Bob Schmid

            in GM: if I have “unselected” HTML in global monitor it displays:

            the following text in the notes file of:

            My Name is Bob.

            How are you.

            as 1 contiguous string (drops the newlines):-(

            My name is BobHow are you  

            in Netmonitor:

            ..if  html is unselected,  it displays as typed in the NetConfig   🙂 newlines are seen 🙂

            My Name is Bob

            How are you

          • #84948
            Bob Schmid

              We do not, at this time, want to use html formatting…we want plain text only thus the question:

              why when using plain text …does Global monitor display as 1 long string?

              selecting and unselecting HTML in global monitor as no impact…it all displays as 1 long string 🙁

            • #84949
              John Mercogliano

                Hi Bob,

                   I have not had time to test this, I went right to using HTML when I encounter the same issue as I was not planning on running a script everytime the note changed.

                   If your engine is on a unix system like we are, then my thought was when the notes where saved the end of line was converted to unix but when global monitor is pulling them, it does not detect the server and does not convert back to dos.  

                   So, you might want to try using a script or the unixtodos if you have it to convert the new lines after you create the note.

                John Mercogliano
                Sentara Healthcare
                Hampton Roads, VA

              • #84950
                Bob Schmid

                  Dear John, I bet that is it?

                  For those of us choosing to stay plain text:

                  I will give it a shot…..but…will that not than impact the display from Netmonitor ?

                  …and for INFOR folks;  if the unix to dos end of line characters are the issue….this really should be handled from GM

                  Ill let you guys know

                • #84951
                  Bob Schmid


                    The idea of converting to x0d0a

                  • #84952
                    Ching Fok

                      Same issue occurs in GM 6.1 with Cloverleaf on windows.

                      My workaround is to wrap plain text in



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