One of the hospitals I support will be replacing its major HIS application with a new one, which entails patient processing, order management, master files, billing. I have read through multiple older posts on creating site to site copies, tarring threads, NetConfigs, etc. but would like a fresh perspective.
The version is, Linux platform. Since the majority of threads will be affected, it was our thought to copy the production site to a new site and then make protocol changes in the new site that would route to/from test applications.
There is currently a test environment on the same server, so I would suspect that all of these interfaces would have to be disabled to avoid a conflict with port numbers.
I am interested in the recommended process for –
* creating the new site
* which directories to copy to the new site
* whether tar/untar commands should be used for the copies
* if the same host/port can exist in two separate sites
* memory requirement considerations
* anything other considerations
Cathy Mentor