NetConfig ~ include site in prologue.

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Product Enhancements NetConfig ~ include site in prologue.

  • Creator
  • #49877
    Nate Kruse

      Enhancement short description:

      Have the NetConfig include the site in the prologue



      Operating System:


      Version of OS:

      Not sure

      Cloverleaf Version:



      Rev 1


      Clover NetConfig

      Enhancement Long Description:

      It would be a nice addition to include the name of the site in the NetConfig file.  Since these NetConfig files are all the same filename (from site to site), it would be nice to have at least one quickly identifiable property in the prologue to know what site’s NetConfig file is now being viewed.

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    • Author
      • #63970
        Todd Lundstedt

          That is one more thing to change if you are changing naming conventions and have to change the name of your site (I just did that today, so this request hit home pretty quick).

        • #63971
          Jim Kosloskey

            Yes there would need to be some method for the NetConfig to be automatically aware of what site it is in.

            If one were to copy a NetConfig from Test to Production for example, the site name might change. Unless the NetConfig entry changed with that promotion, there could be confusion.

            The other option would be to remember to at least pull the NetConfig up in the GUI and save it (I suspect that is when the prologue would get updated if the facility were available).

            Another request made way back was for there to be seamless cross-site communication (in other words no more localhost connections between sites overtly configured) and implemented such that from one NetConfig session one could configure routing to a thread in another site by navigating a tree. The GUI (both NetConfig and NetMonitor) would show that connection with some sort of outward and obvious indication the destination thread was in another site.

            Conversely the receiving site, when viewed, would show the source coming from another site.

            I do not know if this request could be implemented as part of the other enhancement but it seems there might be some synergy.

            Jim Kosloskey

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #63972
            Nate Kruse

              Jim Kosloskey wrote:


              Another request made way back was for there to be seamless cross-site communication (in other words no more localhost connections between sites overtly configured) and implemented such that from one NetConfig session one could configure routing to a thread in another site by navigating a tree. The GUI (both NetConfig and NetMonitor) would show that connection with some sort of outward and obvious indication the destination thread was in another site.

              Conversely the receiving site, when viewed, would show the source coming from another site.

              I do not know if this request could be implemented as part of the other enhancement but it seems there might be some synergy.

              Jim Kosloskey

              That is a great thought!  Currently, we try to use our naming conventions to denote cross site reference.

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