NetConfig Error: list element in braces followed by "]]

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  • Creator
  • #49316
    Hongle Sun

    When I issued hcinetcheck command, all getting above messages, so does kill/start deamon GUI command. I verified  every single thread config without any error, just wandering what do i need to look into? thanks

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  • Author
    • #61482
      Tom Rioux

      Did you ever find your answer?  If not, grep your NetConfig for “]]” or just “]” to find where they are located.  I would imagine the only place you would see them in the NetConfig is if you are using wildcards in your trxid routing.   We have some set up like the example below:

      TRXID {ADT_A(0[1-8])|(1[137])|28|31}

      Check to make sure someone hasn’t inadvertently added an extra bracket in there somewhere.  I’d go through and match up all the brackets to make sure there aren’t any extras.

      Thomas Rioux

      Memorial Hermann Health Systems

    • #61483
      John Hamilton

      If you are brave and and can vi the file you can make a copy of the NetConfig. Then vi it.

      Put a [ as the first character in the file, then hit the % this will show you where that extra braket is.

      The % key finds matching Brakets and Braces.

    • #61484
      Mike Keys

      Was there an answer to this? We have the exact same issue with out NetConfig file and there is no “]]” pattern within it.

    • #61485
      Dean Basher

      I would look in your tclprocs directory in that site and see if you have a space in the name of one or more of tclproc. For example if your on windows OS people will make a copy of a proc and it will be Copy of XXXX. So you have a space between Copy and of.

    • #61486
      Mike Keys


      I opened a case with Infor and that is what they suggested. So far, no spaces. But, we have a couple of tclprocs with an ‘@’ character in the name. I’ve asked Infor if this would cause an issue.

    • #61487
      Dean Basher

      When did you open the case and who was it with?

    • #61488
      Mike Keys

      Opened today with Charla Lee, Senior Support Engineer.

    • #61489
      Dean Basher

      To test to see if that is the bad proc try to copy it to a new name and see if works

    • #61490
      Dean Basher

      Send here your tclprocs directory and I will get with her to see which one it is.

    • #61491
      Mike Keys


      I’m confident that a ‘-‘ in the filename is a no-no. However, after correcting one such occurence on our prod site, we still can’t validate successfully. I’ve been through the tclIndex and NetConfig files too many times to count and I can’t see where this is failing validation.

      It would be nice if the hcinetcheck script returned more information as to the location of the issue. Obviously, the script found it, it just isn’t reporting it.

    • #61492
      Mike Keys

      I found a duplicate proc with a space in the filename. Hard to see, but finally found it.

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