Need to push messages FIFO via TCL script

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Need to push messages FIFO via TCL script

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  • #47598
    Dan Loch

      Recently, we upgraded our medication administration system, AdminRx from McKesson.  This system also runs our medication robot, which fills a nightly cart fills, and fills single patient orders.  Our HCIS, MEDITECH, has not provided us with the best possible interfaces for this other vendor system.  We purchased from MEDITECH two interfaces.  No one interface sends out a message with all of the segments and fields we need to run AdminRx and the robot to its fullest potential.  Thus is the reason why we have tried to combine them in the engine.  We can (and have in the past) sent both interfaces to AdminRx and the robot (it is the same database) but one message will overwrite the other message, resulting in missing important information.  This interface uses a HL7 variant I have named adminRx.

      The interfaces need to be First In First Out, FIFO.  This is our problem, our script is not always outputting in FIFO sequence.

      New orders, order edits, and discontinued orders can sometimes happen in a very short time span.  If an order edit is sent after a discontinue, it will keep that medication order active, resulting in a medication error and maybe a lawsuit if we kill someone.

      message matching/combining

      Messages are considered a match when segment ORC, Fields: 1 and 2 match.

      The message with the most information is the accu-out interface.

      Once matched, copy ZRX segment from rxobot-out to accu-out.  Other copies listed below.

      If an order number has a *-F* kill it.  Only applies to the RXOBOT-OUT interface.

      Kill messages that have a give rate of ONCE and order type of OD that came from the RXOBOT-OUT interface.  Give rate come in segment ORC, field 7, subfield 1 (example: ORC|NW|F0001431|||AC||^ONCE^^200412070854^200412070855^^0^00000000||200412070855|PHA.BWJ^JOSEPH,BRADLEY W.|||||200412070855).

      Kill messages that have a give rate of ONCE and order type of DC that came from the ACCU-OUT interface.

      Change order type of OD to DC

      Change order type of OH to HD

      Change order type of OC to CA

      When a message matches copy these fields:

         From RXOBOT message To ACCU-OUT message

      RXE.23^0 RXE.23^0

      RXE.25^0 RXE.25^0

      RXE.26^0 RXE.26^0

      RXE.10^0 RXE.10^0

      ZRX.1^0 ZRX.1^0

      ZRX.2^0 ZRX.2^0

      From ACCU-OUT message To ACCU-OUT message

      IF RXC.1^0 == B THEN

      RXC.3^0 RXE.3^0

      RXC.4^0 RXC.6^0

      END IF

      IF RXC(1).1^0 == A THEN

      RXC(1).3^0 RXE.3^0

      END IF

      IF RXR.4^1 == C THEN

      =S RXR.4^1

      END IF

      If no match is found with in 30 seconds then copy some fields and send the stalled message on.

      From ACCU-OUT message To ACCU-OUT message

      IF RXC.1^0 == B THEN

      RXC.3^0 RXE.3^0

      RXC.4^0 RXC.6^0

      END IF

      IF RXC(1).1^0 == A THEN

      RXC(1).3^0 RXE.3^0

      END IF

      IF RXR.4^1 == C THEN

      =S RXR.4^1

      END IF

      Any suggestions would be appreciated, the script follows.


      # Name: tps_double_feed

      # Purpose:

      # UPoC type: tps

      # Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:

      #       MODE    run mode (“start”, “run” or “time”)

      #       MSGID   message handle

      #       ARGS    user-supplied arguments:



      # Returns: tps disposition list:



      proc tps_double_feed { args } {

         keylget args MODE mode               ;# Fetch mode

         set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return

         switch -exact — $mode {

             start {

             # Perform special init function

             # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args




             run {

         # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it

                 keylget args MSGID mh


                 global HciConnName

           set module “(tps_double_feed/$HciConnName)”


                 # 1. set variables

                 set msgType {}

                 set match {}

                 set debug true


                 # 2. Get Message

                 set msg [msgget $mh]


                 # 3. What type of message?

                 regexp {MSH|.*?|.*?|.*?|.*?|.*?|.*?|.*?|(.*?)|(.*?)|} $msg m0 msgType msgInterface


                 # 4. Strip out extra information from segment MSH field 9 interface

                 set msgInterface [lindex [split $msgInterface .] 0]


                 # 5. continue ADT messages that may pass through this interface

                 if {$msgType != “RDE”} {

                  echo $module/Continuing ADT message

                  return “{CONTINUE $mh}”



                 # 6. If you have gotten this far it must be an RDE message regexp order type and number giveRate

                 regexp {ORC|(..)|(.*?)|.*?|.*?|.*?|.*?|(.*?)|} $msg m1 orderType orderNumber giveRate


                 # 7. If orderNumber has -F* after it, kill it (only robot interface).

                 if {[string match *-F* $orderNumber] && $msgInterface == “RXOBOT-OUT”} {

                  echo $module/Killing order number: $orderNumber with order type: $orderType because it had an order number with a “-F” and came from RXOBOT-OUT

                  return “{KILL $mh}”



                 # 8. Kill messages that have a give rate of ONCE and order type of OD.

                 #if {[lindex [split $giveRate ^] 1] == “ONCE” && $orderType == “OD” && $msgInterface == “RXOBOT-OUT”} {

                 # echo $module/Killing order number: $orderNumber with order type: $orderType because it had a give rate of ONCE, order type of OD, and cam from RXOBOT-OUT

                 # return “{KILL $mh}”



                 # 9. Kill messages that have a give rate of ONCE and order type of DC

                 #if {[lindex [split $giveRate ^] 1] == “ONCE” && $orderType == “DC” && $msgInterface == “ACCU-OUT”} {

                 #   echo $module/Killing order number: $orderNumber with order type: $orderType because it had a give rate of ONCE, order type of DC, and came from ACCU-OUT

                 # return “{KILL $mh}”



                 # 10. Change OD to DC

                 #if {$orderType == “OD”} {set orderType {DC}}


                 # 11. Change OH to HD

                 #if {$orderType == “OH”} {set orderType {HD}}


                 # 12. Make message with order type of NW higher message priority

                 if {$orderType == “NW” && $orderNumber != “Z9998876”} {

                  msgmetaset $mh PRIORITY 5121



                 # 13. Make message with order type of CA lower message priority

                 #if {$orderType == “CA” && $orderNumber != “Z9998876”} {

                 # msgmetaset $mh PRIORITY 5119



                 # 14. Alright, lets combine some messages.  First, See if the stalledMsgs Variable holds any messages

                 global stalledMsgs

                 set ts [clock seconds]


                 if {[array exists stalledMsgs] == 0 && $orderNumber != “Z9998876”} {

                  echo $module/message: $mh with order type: $orderType and order number: $orderNumber has been stalled in engine.

                  set stalledMsgs($mh) “$orderType $orderNumber $ts”

                 } elseif {$orderNumber != “Z9998876”} {

                  echo $module/stalled messages array: stalledMsgs exists.  Script Will now search array for message with same order Type and order Number.

                  foreach item [array names stalledMsgs *] {

                  set itemType [lindex [split [lindex [array get stalledMsgs $item] 1]] 0]

                  set itemNumber [lindex [split [lindex [array get stalledMsgs $item] 1]] 1]

                  if {“$itemType $itemNumber” == “$orderType $orderNumber”} {

                  set match $item




                  if {$match != “”} {

      #remove message handle from array

                  array unset stalledMsgs $match

                  if {$msgInterface == “RXOBOT-OUT”} {

                  set msgOne [grmcreate -msg $match hl7 2.2 AdminRx RDE]

                  set msgTwo [grmcreate -msg $mh hl7 2.2 adminRx RDE]


                  if {$msgInterface == “ACCU-OUT”} {

                  set msgOne [grmcreate -msg $mh hl7 2.2 adminRx RDE]

                  set msgTwo [grmcreate -msg $match hl7 2.2 adminRx RDE]


                  grmstore $msgOne 0(0).RXE.00323.[0] d [grmfetch $msgTwo 0(0).RXE.00323.[0]]

                  grmstore $msgOne 0(0).RXE.90014.[0] d [grmfetch $msgTwo 0(0).RXE.90014.[0]]

                  grmstore $msgOne 0(0).RXE.90015.[0] d [grmfetch $msgTwo 0(0).RXE.90015.[0]]

                  grmstore $msgOne 0(0).ZRX.90010.[0] d [grmfetch $msgTwo 0(0).ZRX.90010.[0]]

                  grmstore $msgOne 0(0).ZRX.90011.[0] d [grmfetch $msgTwo 0(0).ZRX.90011.[0]]

                  if {[datget [grmfetch $msgOne 0(0).RXC(0).00313.[0]] VALUE] == “B”} {

                  grmstore $msgOne 0(0).RXE.00318.[0] d [grmfetch $msgOne 0(0).RXC(0).00315.[0]]

                  grmstore $msgOne 0(0).RXC(0).90013.[0] d [grmfetch $msgOne 0(0).RXC(0).00316.[0]]


                  if {[datget [grmfetch $msgOne 0(0).RXC(1).00313.[0]] VALUE] == “A”} {

                  grmstore $msgOne 0(0).RXE.00318.[0] d [grmfetch $msgOne 0(0).RXC(1).00315.[0]]


                  if {[datget [grmfetch $msgOne 0(0).RXR.00312.[1]] VALUE] == “C”} {

                  grmstore $msgOne 0(0).RXR.00312.[1] d [datcreate S ch]


                  set newMsg [grmencode -warn w $msgOne]

                  msgset $mh [msgget $newMsg]

                  grmdestroy $msgOne $msgTwo

                  datdestroy -list [datlist]

                  lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

                  lappend dispList “KILL $match”

                  lappend dispList “KILL $newMsg”

                  } else {

                  set stalledMsgs($mh) “$orderType $orderNumber $ts”




                 # 15. search through array for messages that are older than 30 seconds

                 set item {}

                 foreach item [array names stalledMsgs *] {


                  set itemTs [lindex [split [lindex [array get stalledMsgs $item] 1]] 2]

                  set ts [clock seconds]

                  set elapsedTime [expr $ts – $itemTs]

                  if {$elapsedTime >= 45} {

                  array unset stalledMsgs $item

                  set msgGrm [grmcreate -msg $item hl7 2.2 adminRx RDE]

                  if {[datget [grmfetch $msgGrm 0(0).RXC(0).00313.[0]] VALUE] == “B”} {

                  grmstore $msgGrm 0(0).RXE.00318.[0] d [grmfetch $msgGrm 0(0).RXC(0).00315.[0]]

                  grmstore $msgGrm 0(0).RXC(0).90013.[0] d [grmfetch $msgGrm 0(0).RXC(0).00316.[0]]


                  if {[datget [grmfetch $msgGrm 0(0).RXC(1).00313.[0]] VALUE] == “A”} {

                  grmstore $msgGrm 0(0).RXE.00318.[0] d [grmfetch $msgGrm 0(0).RXC(1).00315.[0]]


                  if {[datget [grmfetch $msgGrm 0(0).RXR.00312.[1]] VALUE] == “C”} {

                  grmstore $msgGrm 0(0).RXR.00312.[1] d [datcreate S ch]


                  set newGrm [grmencode -warn w $msgGrm]

                  grmdestroy $msgGrm

                  datdestroy -list [datlist]

                  lappend dispList “KILL $item”

                  lappend dispList “CONTINUE $newGrm”





                 set dispList [lsort $dispList]

                 if {$orderNumber == “Z9998876”} {lappend dispList “KILL $mh”}

                 #display debug information

                 if {$debug} {

                  echo ===============================================

                  echo $module/ts: [clock format [clock seconds]]

                  echo $module/mh: $mh

                  echo $module/msgType: $msgType

                  echo $module/msgInterface: $msgInterface

                  echo $module/orderType: $orderType

                  echo $module/orderNumber: $orderNumber

                  echo $module/giveRate: [lindex [split $giveRate ^] 1]

                  echo $module/dispList: $dispList

                  echo $module/stalledMsgs: [array names stalledMsgs *]

                  echo $module/grmlist: [grmlist]

          echo $module/datlist: [datlist]

          echo $module/msg priority: [msgmetaget $mh PRIORITY]

          echo $module/msg list: [msglist]

          echo $module/newGrm: [if {[info exists newGrm]} {echo $newGrm}]

          echo $module/newMsg: [if {[info exists newMsg]} {echo $newMsg}]

                  echo ===============================================


      #            lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”


             time {

              # Timer-based processing

              # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in arg

              set ts [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d%H%M]

              set mh [msgcreate -type data -class protocol “MSH|^~&||.|||$ts||RDE|INTERNAL|D|2.2x0dPID|1||999999||BLANK^MESSAGE^^^^||19820802|M|^^^^^|C|BLANK^^FINDLAY^OH^45840|HAN|999-999-9999|||M||000000000|000-00-0000x0dPV1|1|I|BLANK^000^00|R|||NONST^NONSTAFF^PHYSICIAN^^^^|||NEW||||RP|||NONST^NONSTAFF^PHYSICIAN^^^^|IN||S|||||||||||||||||||.||ADM||$tsx0dAL1|||^BLANK^BLANKx0dAL1|||^BLANK^BLANKx0dORC|NW|Z9998876|||AC||^ONCE^^200502181700^200502191659^^0^00000000||200502181659|BLANK^FAKE,MESSAGE|||||200502181659x0dRXE|^ONCE^^200502181700^200502191659^SCH^^^^|PROMETHI^PROMETHAZINE HCL 25 MG/ML AMP|12.5|PHENERGAN 25 MG/ML AMP|MG|AMP||||0||0.5|12.5 MG = 0.5 AMP||||||||||||25| MG/MLx0dRXR|IVPx0dZRX|N|200501010000x0d”]

              lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”



             shutdown {

         # Doing some clean-up work

         foreach index [array names stalledMsgs *] {

         array unset stalledMsgs $index

         lappend dispList “CONTINUE $index”


         set dispList [lsort $dispList]



         return $dispList


    Viewing 3 reply threads
    • Author
      • #56214
        Dan Loch

          The interfaces are running on platform 5.2 rev 2


          Dan Loch

        • #56215
          Jared Parish

            The quote below is out of the 5.3 documentation:


            Messages of the

            same priority are processed on a FIFO basis.

             Is FIFO is determined by an individual thread or by the all threads in a process as a whole?

            - Jared Parish

          • #56216
            Dan Loch

              That is true if the messages are not manipulated by a TCL script.


            • #56217
              Jared Parish

                When you have multiple messages in dispList how are they processed? Left to Right? Random? something else?


                - Jared Parish

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