Need to get a part of a field

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  • #50936
    Yamil Velez


          I am trying to to get from the pv2_23_0 just the following ADED


      and I would like to do this in a xlate.

      Thanks in advance


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      • #68075

        Can you explain your data in a little more details? For example, will the field always be delimited by semicolons and will the piece of the data that you want to extract always be in the same place?

        If so, here is one way that might work for you.


        set xlateOutVals [list [lindex [split [lindex $xlateInVals 0] ;] 2]]

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #68076
        Yamil Velez

          Yes it would always be separate by a semicolon

        • #68077
          Yamil Velez

            I am getting just medicine

          • #68078
            Tom Rioux

              Try changing it to just this:

              set xlateOutVals


                or if you have more than one input source, set the xlateInVals to a variable first

                set clinic [lindex $xlateInVals 0]

                set xlateOutVals list [lindex [split [lindex $clinic ;] 2]]

                Hope this helps….


              1. #68079

                Odd. It works for me from a test script.


                set xlateInVals [list “:ADULT EMERGENCY MEDICINE;D;ADED;;;;XX:”]
                set xlateOutVals [list [lindex [split [lindex $xlateInVals 0] ;] 2]]
                puts [lindex $xlateOutVals 0]

                Put that code into a file called test.tcl and then run “tcl test.tcl” from the command line.

                -- Max Drown (Infor)

              2. #68080

                I do not recommend using “[split $xlateInVals ;]” because xlateInVals is a list variable. You never know when you’ll get data in that will bite you right on the tail. Always treat xlateInVals and xlateOutVals as list variable.

                The semicolons may be screwing up the data. I’ll try it out in an xlate asap.

                -- Max Drown (Infor)

              3. #68081

                I created a test xlate. The code I provided with the data you provided works perfect for me. I used PV1.03 as a

                -- Max Drown (Infor)

              4. #68082
                Tom Rioux

                  I would agree with you in most cases, but since we are specifying a particular subfield PV2.23.[0], unless there are multiple source fields listed, then “[lindex $xlateInVals 0]” or $xlateInVals will return the same value.   I totally agree, I would be careful of using just the InVals designation if specifying only something like PV2.23.   That will bite you on the tail.

                  Incidentally, I have tried both Max’s code and my code in an xlate with the data provided and it should work for you Yamil.  If you are still having difficulty, maybe copy/paste some details showing us how you have it set up.


                • #68083
                  Jim Kosloskey

                    Actually if the field has white space, then not specifying via a list reference may return only a part of the field/component.

                    It is always best to treat the xlate variables as lists.

                    email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                  • #68084
                    Tom Rioux

                      The field in question did in fact have white space and by specifying the subfield designation (i.e. PV2.23.[0]) with $xlateInVals only, it still returned the whole subfield.   Is this something that should be concerning????

                    • #68085
                      Jim Kosloskey


                        Since I always use the list reference, I can’tsay I have ever kicked the tires on inbound fields. Perhaps Xlate is not so sensitive with those.

                        However, I feel I would rather be safe than have to remember when to use list notation and when not to.

                        Using list notaitn has never caused me an issue – forgetting to use has caused me grief.

                        email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                      • #68086
                        Tom Rioux

                          I’ve always been sure to use it on an OutVal.   As I’ve mentioned before, I never had a concern about using InVal alone so long as I was referencing a subfield and not an entire field.  That is curious.

                          I do have another question but I will start a new topic for it.

                        • #68087
                          Yamil Velez

                            Hi Thomas and Jim

                               I have attach a screen shot of my translation configurator.  

                            This my message when I run the routes testing

                            omnicell_Adt_Out MSH|^~&|STAR|S|CERNER|S|20090604084354||ADT^A08|92064|P|2.2|92064||AL


                            PID|1||^^^^PI|||||F||O|262 SUYDAM ST APT 1^^NEW ||||||||N|||N|||N


                            I must be doing some wrong but do not know why

                            Thanks for all your answer and help


                          • #68088
                            Tom Rioux


                              Try attaching the screen shot again


                            • #68089
                              Yamil Velez

                                Here it is again

                              • #68090

                                Can you paste the entire hl7 message, please?

                                -- Max Drown (Infor)

                              • #68091
                                Tom Rioux

                                  It appears you have a space between the backslash (“”) and the semicolon.   Push them together like “;” and you should get your desired results.  

                                  Just a note, when I put a space between them using the code, the first word I got in the destination field was “MEDICINE”.

                                  Hope this helps…


                                • #68092

                                  Good eye, Tom.

                                  -- Max Drown (Infor)

                                • #68093
                                  Yamil Velez

                                    Hi Tom and Max

                                      When you do not put  a space between you get nothing.

                                    See examples

                                  • #68094
                                    Tom Rioux

                                      Copy and paste the original PV2 segment into a message for us to see


                                    • #68095
                                      Yamil Velez

                                        Message with original PV2 segment

                                      • #68096
                                        Jim Kosloskey


                                          Is the Component Separator in MSH-2 a semi-colon ‘;’? Maybe all you need to do is select the correct field component.

                                          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                                        • #68097
                                          Yamil Velez

                                            No the component separate is :

                                          • #68098
                                            Yamil Velez

                                              I meant that the separator is “:”  a colon


                                            • #68099

                                              Oh. You are using “:” and “;” as the HL7 field delimiters instead of the default “^” and “&”. So, you should be able to pull the field out without using any tcl code.

                                              Data” :ADULT EMERGENCY MEDICINE;D;ADED;;;;XX:

                                              Use “0(0).PV2(0).#23(0).[2]” as your inbound field.

                                              Notice the “[2]”.

                                              -- Max Drown (Infor)

                                            • #68100
                                              Jim Kosloskey

                                                It looks like the ; semi-colon is the sub-component separator.

                                                So you notation should be somehting like 0(0).PV2(0).#23(0).[0].[2].

                                                The first [0] points to the component, the second [2] points to the sub-component.

                                                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                                              • #68101
                                                Yamil Velez

                                                  That brings up nothing  see illustration

                                                • #68102

                                                  Remove the tcl fragment. You don’t need it.

                                                  -- Max Drown (Infor)

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