If you check what that field path is by displaying in the testing tool you can easily see what you need to copy for a path. You can also do this in later versions of SMAT and set your detail level up.
3(0).ZOM(0).#45(0) : >123456-123^ABC<
3(0).ZOM(0).#45(1) : >0987654321^DEFG<
3(0).ZOM(0).#45(2) : >5555555555^HIJK<
Originally this looked like
So you would copy 3(0).ZOM(0).#45(1) –> OCR:? whatever is your destination. The ‘1’ in parentheses is the field repetition index. Hope this helps…
ITERATE over the field and slect the repetition you want.
OR – if you know the repetition of interest is always the second repetition set the repetition value following the field specification in the path notation -something like: …ZOM#45(1) (note 1 is the second repetition since the repetition count is relative to zero).
Also make sure the variant definition has the field defined as repeating.
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.
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