Need help with logic

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  • #49100
    Carl Duff


      I have a large result (ORU) message coming in from a cath lab system that I am sending to an ancillary as a document (MDM). They only care about seeing the procedure log so all I do is iterate on the OBR

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      • #60733
        Jim Kosloskey


          That should be doable.

          What you will probably need to do is to maintain your own iteration counter for the OUTBOUND only.

          So if you are using %g1 for OBR repetitions and %g2 for OBX group repetitions for example, you would use %g3 for the OUTBOUND OBX group.

          You would be responsible for incrementing,etc. the %g3 counter.

          When referencing an iteration counter OUTSIDE the address path or ITERATION Action, if you prepend the counter with a $ you can reference it.

          So an MATH ADD would have $%g3 and =1 in the Source and $%g3 in the Destination.

          Within an address path you would use %g3 (no $).

          I do this a lot.

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

        • #60734
          Carl Duff

            Sorry for the lack of clarity…..

            I need to group the OBX’s from both OBR’s and send them out based on the timestamp in OBX.14 no matter which of the OBR’s they come from.

          • #60735
            Charlie Bursell

              Stick all of the OBX segments in an array using OBX.14 as the index/

              After you have all of them, start appending tem where you want them like:

              foreach idx [lsort -integer [array names obxArray]] {

                     lappend segments $obsArray($idx)


            • #60736
              Carl Duff

                Does someone have a sample they’d be willing to share??


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