Multiply search criteria in SMAT

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  • Creator
  • #50441
    Rentian Huang

      Greetings Cloverleafers!!!

      In CL5.2 SMAT, I want to search msgs contain both A03 and PAT. I tried to put A03&&PAT and A03&PAT as Regular Expression in the “Include Those” text box, but none of them work.

      Thanks for your help!

      Sam  8)

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    • Author
      • #66095

        Try “A03.*PAT”

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #66096
        Beth Palmateer

          The only way I’ve ever been able to accomplish what you want is to take a two-step approach.  First, include all A03 records.  From that view, select “remove specified records”, then “NOT include those” and enter PAT.  Ignore the number of records selected, just press “yes” to add to the view.  You should end up with A03s that include PAT.


        • #66097
          Rentian Huang

            A03.*PAT works perfectly, Beth’s 2-step is good to know too, thanks all for your input!!!

            Sam   8)

          • #66098

            Incidentally, from the command line, you can do some nifty searches using the scripts I posted here:

            Ex. mgExtract file.msg | grep ‘A03’ | grep ‘PAT’ > test.hl7

            -- Max Drown (Infor)

          • #66099
            Rentian Huang

              Thank you so much Max, for your contributions!!!

              Sam  8)

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