Multiple Outbound Messages from a Single Inbound

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  • #50481
    David Harrison

      I am developing an ordercomms interface between Radiology and PAS. The Rad system supplies HL7 messages whilst the PAS uses SMS Openlink.

      The Rad system generates ORU^R01 messages which can contain reports, in the OBX segment, for more than one examination

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      • #66266

          Yes you can do this.

          Try the continue command.

          Basic structure I use is

          Suppress –

          Build comon part of message

          Iterstart –

           do stuff



        • #66267
          Jim Kosloskey


            It is doable – I have done it  and helped others do it many times.

            I prefer to use CONTINUE rather than SEND. CONTINUE moves the message from the Translate to the next step in the engine; SEND moves the message immediately to the outbound thread.

            In most cases SEND will seem to work fine until one needs to add a post Xlate proc. With SEND the post Xlate proc will be bypassed and it could take some time to figure out what is happening.

            Judicious placement of the SEND/CONTINUE is critical to success. Each situation is a little different so it may be cumbersome to assist via the forum.

            Don’t forget to have a SUPPRESS (I usually put it first in my Xlate unless I am creating messages inside an IF). This will assure the message the Xlate always builds no matter what does NOT get sent.

            So inside your ITERATE at the point you know you need a message, do the CONTINUE. If you place the CONTINUE outside of the ITERATE it may only produce one message.

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #66268

            You may also want to consider doing this in a tps proc.

            -- Max Drown (Infor)

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