well, when I changed the path copies to copy I got:
[0:TEST] Unrecognized field name ‘Can’t locate field in path. 1(0).0(%s2).PR1’
[0:TEST] Unable to compile OUT list ‘1(0).0(%s2).PR1’
[0:TEST] Unrecognized field name ‘Can’t locate field in path. 1(0).1(0).0(%s2).PR1’
[0:TEST] Unable to compile IN list ‘1(0).1(0).0(%s2).PR1’
[0:TEST] Unable to compile statement ‘
[0:TEST] Unrecognized field name ‘Can’t locate field in path. 1(0).0(0).ROL’
[0:TEST] Unable to compile OUT list ‘1(0).0(0).ROL’
[0:TEST] Unrecognized field name ‘Can’t locate field in path. 1(0).1(0).0(0).ROL(0)’
[0:TEST] Unable to compile IN list ‘1(0).1(0).0(0).ROL(0)’
[0:TEST] Unable to compile statement ‘