Multiple Arguments in a table qualify kill Procedure

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  • Creator
  • #51659
    Chris Wethey

      Looking to perform multiple checks for a specific field but in 2 seperate locations in an HL7 message – i have placed the table kill test twice in the process and it will not pass the record over since it is nullifying the check since it is seperate lines in the TPS properties.

      Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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    • Author
      • #71158
        Jim Kosloskey


          Can you give us a little more detail?

          Such as what are you using to actually do the filering? Is this a proc you just wrote or an existing generalized filtering proc?

          Also an example of what you are filtering could help.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #71159
          Chris Wethey

            Within TPS Properties – there is already a PROC called Tblqualify_kill_default that we are testing for a physician number in a specific location of the OBR.  But we are looking for that same physician number in another location within the same segment.  When I place 2 seperate Proc line in raw or xlate pre proc arguement it seems to nullify itself when it looks from one to the other which does not send the HL7 record onto the third party vendor.  We perform this in dozen of checks in our system but it has always been on one field to check not multiple fields.

            Argument = {TBLNAME polaris_phy} {ERRCOND ERR} {SEGNAME OBR} {FIELDNUM 16} {SUBFIELDNUM 0}

            Arguement 2 = {TBLNAME polaris_phy} {ERRCOND ERR} {SEGNAME OBR} {FIELDNUM 28} {SUBFIELDNUM 0}

            Is there a way to do an OR within one tblqualify_kill_default like there is in the translation process.

          • #71160
            Chris Wethey

              Attached is a screen shot of the process. single tblqualify

            • #71161
              Jim Kosloskey


                The proc Tblqualify_kill_default is not a Cloverleaf(R) provided proc. A user (perhaps someone there) wrote it.

                If there is user documentation perhaps that can give you a clue as to whether conditions can be connected by OR or AND. Otherwise, check the Tcl code itself and see if that is a possibility.

                If the proc does not support connecting conditions, you may be able to simulate the OR by using multiple Route details depending on whether the proc has the ability to specify different message dispositions per execution (like KILL, CONTINUE, ERROR, etc.)

                Do you know if you can specify the disposition to take if the condition is true or if it is false?

                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #71162
                Robert Kersemakers

                  Hi Chris,

                  I would make a new, very specific, TPS proc for this situation: take the message, test the two conditions and if one of them fits, then CONTINUE the message. If neither fit, then KILL.

                  I have wondered a few times if I should make a general, reusable proc for this: specifying through parameters the two fields, the two conditions and if it should AND or OR these two conditions. But haven’t gotten to it. Yet…

                  Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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