Moving on

  • Creator
  • #55210
    Jim Kosloskey

      My last day at M. D. Anderson will be 9/30/2016 after 15.5 years.

      I will spend the month of October looking at other opportunities.

      Rob has graciously allowed me to stay on clovertech where I learn so much from all of you.

      email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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    • Author
      • #84558
        Jeff Dinsmore

          You’re a valuable resource and always willing to help your fellow CloverTechers.  I’m glad you’ll be staying on the forum.

          Best of Luck to you, Jim!

          Jeff Dinsmore
          Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

        • #84559
          Gordon Koch

            Yes, best of luck in your future endevors!!

            Jim, thanks again for the help you have provided to me and to everyone else on Clovertech.

          • #84560
            Paul Johnston

              Best of Luck Jim !

              Thank you for your help on several occasions.

              It is great you are hanging around Clovertech to continue sharing

              with us your weath of knowledge and expertise.

            • #84561
              Peter Heggie

                we have all benefitted from your contributions – thank you – and hope to see you post again from a new company!

                Peter Heggie

              • #84562
                Terry Kellum

                  Transitions can be difficult, but your experience and skills make you a superior catch.  I predict that you will quickly find a leadership position.  M.D. Anderson’s loss is an opportunity for many.  Best of luck at your new position, and thanks for lending your leadership here!!!

                • #84563
                  Nate Kruse

                    Sorry for the late reply to this, but good luck Jim. While I don’t post much, I do read often. Glad that you’ll still be around as your insight is appreciated.

                    Nate K

                  • #84564
                    Connie Kraska

                      Good Luck Jim.  I enjoyed chatting with you over the last 15 years.

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