Moving minus sign to front of decimal number

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  • Creator
  • #50277
    Robert Kersemakers

      Hi all,

      We are receiving XML with decimal fields, where the minus sign is at the end of the field:


      I want to use a regsub to change all occurences into


      I already have one that works:

      regsub -all — “(>)(.*)(-)(<)" $msg "\1\3\2\4" msg But this also works for character fields ending with a minus sign, like: test-

      So I would like to have a check that there is a decimal involved. I have tried a lot, but I can’t get it to work. Regular expressions always outsmart me…

      Anyone have a clue?

      Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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    • Author
      • #65438

        Use an if statement with regexp.


        if {[regexp {.} $msg]} {
        [code]if {[regexp {.} $msg]} {

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #65439
        John Mercogliano


           Give this a try:

          regsub -all — {(>)(d*)([.])(d*)([-])(<)} $msg {152346} msg

          John Mercogliano
          Sentara Healthcare
          Hampton Roads, VA

        • #65440
          Charlie Bursell

            Some real complicated regular expressions for an easy job  ðŸ˜‰

            set num 1234.5678-

            regsub — {(.*?)(-$)} $num {21} num

            echo $num

             ==> -1234.5678

            If the minus not at the end, it changes nothing

          • #65441
            Tom Rioux

              If you wanted only numbers, then modify the code to be:

              regsub — {(.*?[0-9])(-$)} $num {21} num

              Have a great Monday!

              Tom Rioux

              Baylor Health Care

            • #65442
              John Mercogliano

                Hi Charlie,

                 In this case I think more complex is going to work better based on my understanding of his problem.  Robert, chime in and let me know if I’m completely off base.

                He appears to be looking to transform a whole xml msg at once not just and individual item, so I’m expecting his msg will look something like this:



                With an expected output like this:



                The dollar sign after the minus finds not matches in this case.

                John Mercogliano
                Sentara Healthcare
                Hampton Roads, VA

              • #65443
                Charlie Bursell

                  In that case:

                  Assuming many of the same type

                  foreach tag [regexp -all -inline — {[d.]+-} $xmlMsg] {

                     set num “”

                     regexp — {(.*?)} $tag {} num

                     regsub — {(.*?)(-$)} $num {21} newnum

                     set newtag [string map


                       set xmlMsg [string map



                    Of course it would be better if we knew more about what we were doing  ðŸ˜³

                • #65444
                  Robert Kersemakers

                    Hi folks,

                    Let me try to clarify. We are processing SAP IDocs in XML-format. If you have ever seen some of these: they are really a bunch of segments, which consist of fields. Something like:




                    So now we had the problem that SAP put the minus sign at the end of the decimal, like the KRATE field. We need to truncate some numeric fields to only 2 decimals, and the minus sign wrecked havoc with our solution for this:


                    set xlateOutVals [list [format “%.2f” $xlateInVals] ]

                    This works with the minus sign at the front of the decimal, and I believe that the XML-standard requires the minus sign to be at the front.

                    If we wanted decent output from SAP, then our SAP-guys had to work over every single numerical field with a possible negative outcome. Too much work. So I wanted to do this with one regsub.

                    John’s first suggestion was a good example for me. I was close, but I guess escaping the decimal sign was where I went wrong: I tried it with ‘ .’ . Only problem with his solution was that negative integers aren’t processed. So I changed it into


                    regsub -all — {(>)(d*)([.]d*)*([-])(<)} $a {14235} b

                    which seems to do the trick for me.

                    Thanks for all your help, guys! Much appreciated.

                    Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

                  • #65445
                    Charlie Bursell

                      Now that we know what you are doing  ðŸ™‚

                      regsub -all — {>([d.]+?)-<} $xmlMsg {>-1<} xmlMsg

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