My two cents – Those that know me may think I hate windows, and they are probably right. The reliablility of cloverleaf on windows is poor to say the least (quovadx will tell you otherwise, but talk to the customer base.)
If you have a limited number of interfaces, use only the tools supplied by qdx, don’t schedule task, etc., and can afford to reboot weekly, and don’t neeed a backup system, then you could get by with it. Do watch out for the windows pacthes, they have been known to break applications.
Plain and simple – cloverleaf was built on to run on unix (aix in particular)
The ports to other unix/unix like systems is easir to do than than trying to prot to windows where things are done differently. If you have multiple sites on a system, they have to run under one windows service, one database manager, and have a common point of failure that will take down all of your sites. Cuirrently under cl 5.3 and windows server 2003 there are major problems with shell and tcl interaction. In fact, from a shell, start hcitcl several time and you are likely to see it fail to even run, giving very little information about why. It is a constant battle.
we had work arounds that seemd to work on running tcl script (redirects) but when one of the recent windows patches went in, the scripts started failing.
If you want to run windows, then use a product that was designed for windows and its pitfalls. If you want to run cloverleaf (best choice in my book) then do it on unix. You’ll be a lot happier.