Monitroing Database Size

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Monitroing Database Size

  • Creator
  • #113128
    Jay Clements

      We recently had an issue where our rlogm2k.dat database file reached a staggering nine gigabytes. This was due to an upstream pdf source unknown to us starting to send larger and more frequent PDFs including EKG (which are huge). It accumulated at 1gb a day. We have separated it to its own site while we investigate further.

      We want to set a Cloverleaf alert to monitor the size of that file /exec/databases/rlogM2k.dat

      Does anyone know if the Cloverleaf alert (monitor daemon) if that will cause a file lock on rLogM2k.dat when it reads its file size? Is it safe to do this?


      An additional question – mdstatsdb – what do I do with these? Can I delete older ones? Thoughts/opinions welcome.




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    • Author
      • #113200
        Jay Clements

          Just to ask the question a different way – does the “file size” alert type lock a file when determining its size? Thanks

          • #113221
            Levy Lazarre

              N0, the “file size” alert does not lock a file when determining its size. It only makes a call to the underlying OS to get the size.

              We have this alert on  /exec/databases/rlogM2k.dat running in every production site in our system  (OS is AIX) and never had a problem with it.

              You will have to empirically determine what is the largest db size tolerable for you before the site starts slowing down considerably, but I GB seems a lot to me. It takes a long time to open a 1 GB file to append to it.



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