Modify PID3.

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  • Creator
  • #52968
    Robert Denny

      I need a proc that will strip off the first four characters of a 10 character string and then insert an hyphen within every two characters of the remaining string.

      Here is the input MG00097667

      Here is the output 09-76-67

      The commands to do it within a translate would be most helpful.

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    • Author
      • #76104
        Jim Kosloskey


          We have a proc that extracts however many characters desired from a source.

          So in our case we woul:

          extract the number of characters needed from Pid-3 using proc (COPY Action)putting result in @temp (or whatever temp variable we want).

          extract the first 2 characters from temp using proc (COPY Action) putting those 2 characters in @temp1

          extract the next 2 characters from temp using proc (COPY Action) putting those 2 characters in @temp2

          extract the next 2 characters from temp using proc (COPY Action) putting those 2 characters in @temp3

          Then use the CONCAT Action with @temp1, @temp2, @temp3 and a separator of ‘-‘.

          One proc used multiple times and the aggragating of the procs functionality using the builtin Xlate capability.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #76105
          Robert Denny

            Thanks Jim, I hadn’t thought about using the commands in xlate.

            good idea.

          • #76106
            Eric Fortenberry

              You can also do this in one COPY by using a regular expression in the Pre Proc.  See below…

              set xlateOutVals {}

              foreach value $xlateInVals {

              lappend xlateOutVals [regsub -all {(.{2})(?=.)} [string range $value 4 end] {1-}]


            • #76107
              Keith McLeod

                Could also do this without the loop.

                hcitcl>set x MG00097667


                hcitcl>regsub — {.{4}(d{2})(d{2})(d{2})} $x {1-2-3} y


                hcitcl>echo $y



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